How have my contacts marked me?
One of the things that flickr does better than Ipernity (and that's a small list these days), is it lets you know if someone has you marked as contact, friend, family. Oddly enough the same information is available on Ipernity, but only via it's API, which means that you have to write an application to access it.

However, the status of how the photos are marked is not available. Despite friend/family markings being documented in the API, they are not actually present in the response records. Nor does the document filter work, which would allow you to specify the type of permissions of files that you want to see. The only thing it gives is whether a file is fully public or not.

I have a test app that I used to discover this stuff. While it's useful, the lack of photo filtering is annoying. It's still work in progress but if anyone is interested you can access it on nplawes.com/ipernity . It will need to be authorised with ipernity in order for the API to work...

For any flickrites that are interested, I have a similar browser app using the flickr API too on www.nplawes.com/flickr. At the moment gathering details about contacts is a separate step as it takes a while to run (click on get details). Score one for the Ipernity API as it returns the useful stuff in the initial list, so the second gathering phase is not required, and hence much faster.

Needless to say if you find any bugs, please let me know so that I can (try to) fix them :-)


Nick Lawes said:

If you browse to nplawes.com/ipernity it should transfer you to ipernity to get the OK, then they should divert you back...
11 years ago

Nick Lawes replied to :

The way that the API works is that the authorisation gives a token to the specific application, that is used to encode all of the messages making use of said API on your behalf… So when you access the application, it adds your token to the requests, the API validates it before responding… The token can only be used by that application, as it in turn has an internal key used as part of the identification process. It's all documented in their API at www.ipernity.com/help/api/about.html It seems to be very similar to the flickr API too...
11 years ago

Xythian said:

How bizarre (the way they expose info in the API but not in the UI, not your writing an app). I've been meaning to check out the API.
11 years ago

Nick Lawes replied to Xythian:

You should, it can be quite fun getting it all going, even if the documentation doesn't always match what really happens… I did a similar browser on flickr to play with their API too :-)
11 years ago

Nick Lawes said:

I've seen that a couple of times… Trying again often fixes it. restarting the browser almost certainly does. It doesn't do it to me often enough to debug it :-( I will find the issue eventually though...
11 years ago

Nick Lawes said:

Dang… Perhaps it needs a reset… Try
to clear and reset your browsers info...
11 years ago

Nick Lawes said:

Presumably you were logged into ipernity at the time. Wish I could cause the error… to see what's going on…

Wonder what browsers you are using…? I'm using Safari, but hopefully it should all be browser agnostic...
11 years ago

Nick Lawes said:

My guess is that most people who want to know how others mark them is so that they can reciprocate with the same. So, normal black text means you've marked each other the same. Red means you've marked them higher than they've marked you, blue is for the reverse. I can remove it if you think it's not such a good idea.

My best guess is that maybe the authorised token times out, and the second request gets a new one. If the problem persists I might be able to do something about that. Please let me know if it happens again, or if it was a one-off… Thanks
11 years ago

Nick Lawes said:

Glad to hear it's useful...
11 years ago

Nick Lawes replied to :

Thanks... While I would love to take credit for the "fit to screen" / "zoom" feature, it's actually normal browser behaviour when it's displaying just an image :-)
11 years ago

Nick Lawes said:

Well, I *think* I may have tracked down the first time failure, and hopefully fixed it. Fingers crossed...
11 years ago