Proposal: "Family Manager" as Profession

The Economic and Social Future of Europe

Possibilities in Work Creation

”Family Manager” as Profession

1. At present, if one admits to be only doing ” home duties” one is being asked -

- ”What, you do not work?” As if work were identical with being formally employed.

2. It is proposed that the ”Family Manager” title be granted to those house-wifes and house-husbands who perform family duties as their full-time activity.

-He/she, or when necessary, their replacement is in fact a System Manager. Since the family as a ”basic economic unit” comprises a small number of members, or system components, he/she makes it work and keeps running by converting ideas to life and action.

-The title ”Family Manager” would considerably lift the full-time home maker’s self confidence and enhance the consciousness of her / his own value.

3. To administer the smooth working of the family the Family Manager has to possess abilities and skills in many fields:

psychology, dietetics, sexology, pedagogy, building-construction, gardening, hygiene, money-management, mediation, etc.

-To acquire good proficiency in the various challenges, there is a need for formal

education and training in ”Family Managerial Duties”. This would include such topics as how to organize small groups and how to achieve good quality outcome.

4. The time spent as ”Family Manager” should qualify as ”contract for performance

at home”, similar to being paid for home care nursing.

5.. To cover such expenses, as health and retirement contribution, on a very frugal basis,

would be possible by the following:

- family self-employment, - tax concession, - subsidies, funds etc.

Budapest, 2009

Dr. Julianna Farkas and Dr. Lajos Molnár


English version by Mrs. Andrea Hegyesi, Australia, controlled by Prof. Dr. Endre Dudich

1 comment

Dr. Molnár Lajos said:

Dankegon, Aleksandro! Hodiaŭ matene, en la Google-serĉilon mi skribis la vorton "Családmenedzser", kaj trovis tie 7840 artikolojn... Ankaŭ mi mem surpriziĝis!
Sed mi vidas, ke ĝis la ĝenerala enkonduko de la instruado de familiaj manaĝeroj estas antaŭ ni longega vojo...
Plej amike
12 years ago ( translate )