Finds North of Dayton
This article is a list of streetview finds in northern DP&L land.
  1. goo.gl/maps/JLqUFMhCdSP2 Transmission w/ suspensions splayed out; Piqua
  2. goo.gl/maps/YSovRGB2xov Ancient transmission towers; Sidney
  3. goo.gl/maps/nKneEdY72n52
  4. goo.gl/maps/3F7DHYCfKtH2 Crossarm-hung transformer bank; Sidney
  5. goo.gl/maps/1rVhr1gQHYr Crossarm-hung transformer bank; Sidney
  6. goo.gl/maps/UrbGrjssFZz LM obround transformer (Pioneer Electric Coop)
  7. goo.gl/maps/2EzBjL9tc2K2 Single-phase capacitor; Gordon
  8. goo.gl/maps/KBvp4Fccu7S2 Rare subtransmission design; Urbana
  9. goo.gl/maps/rzL5kdzdRrK2 Old switch? Urbana
  10. goo.gl/maps/473AGjWa7nx Crossarm-hung transformer bank
  11. goo.gl/maps/oKKST1FQN4B2 Crossarm-hung transformer bank w/ 2 octagonal Westies; East Liberty
  12. goo.gl/maps/6g5PT5eZCWA2 3 glass spools; Maplewood
  13. goo.gl/maps/HZUCRcoyBQL2 Westy!
  14. goo.gl/maps/wVJthKbfxwz Westy!
  15. goo.gl/maps/RHMmhMDxZHp Westy!
  16. goo.gl/maps/X4nFBMVkk272 Crossarm-hung transformers
  17. goo.gl/maps/ncav4g3toiB2
  18. goo.gl/maps/r5uupdRRuVF2
  19. goo.gl/maps/Pf5J6gtr8LA2
  20. goo.gl/maps/aNn18xf1ByC2
  21. goo.gl/maps/atVFnjXUaM12
  22. goo.gl/maps/CZHKt8jCjkk
  23. goo.gl/maps/sdbtC8QXnE22
  24. goo.gl/maps/i2kRake5JYG2
  25. goo.gl/maps/ntLrR9AYDZ42
  26. goo.gl/maps/N7VBQfqHqn42
  27. goo.gl/maps/9ThV2ox6XsG2 Westy; Sidney
  28. goo.gl/maps/2T7qk7WwHYP2 Sidney
  29. goo.gl/maps/creJ8AmvzVD2 Sidney
  30. goo.gl/maps/8b4w6CaDNzx Westy
  31. goo.gl/maps/95YygfMU2xM2
  32. goo.gl/maps/JS3gbc6sjwk
  33. goo.gl/maps/74rvfNhA5Pn
  34. goo.gl/maps/Z8KtT7C9Mw12
  35. goo.gl/maps/sjRi5zpkEaP2


David Dahle said:

Interesting finds - #10 is the one I like the best.

That L-M obround can is an interesting find - one, not many L-M cans are on coop system to begin with and two, it's the single hanger style.

I'd imagine that one capacitor is put in service during peak season only.
8 years ago

SW Ohio Lines replied to David Dahle:

On #10, the middle can has since been replaced...
8 years ago ( translate )

David Dahle said:

On #15, the pole just after the Westy could easily pass for MDU's post-WWII 4160V construction.
8 years ago