Join Ipernity Properly?
So it seems I have reached the display limit of my free account and now the time has come to decide whether to join Ipernity properly. Do I continue to run both Flickr and Ipernity, or do I switch to just one? Difficult decision as some groups I am on support Flickr but not Ipernity, but I like this format much better.

It boils down to finances for me, or rather lack of them!

Just musing...while I think.


raingirl said:

Looks like you found a way to join the 'club'! Glad you are. I've slowly moved over here from flickr. I still keep my flickr account and check in about once every few weeks, but when I go there I may see a few photos to enjoy, but it's hard to appreciate them in the format - it seems too much into streaming for my liking. I know some enjoy that visual grouping, but my brain doesn't do well with it (nor my eyes!). So I hope you are enjoying it here.
9 years ago

Balancing Kiwi said:

It seems my club membership has expired...I really don't know whether to renew it or not... I have lots of lovely photos to upload but still use Flickr as well as Ipernity, so just not sure what to do... Hmmmm.
8 years ago