IMA NEWSFLASH : 7th December 2018
[DE] & [FR] editions are here : www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4714600

Dear members and friends of ipernity!

Today, we would like to address two topics that have been of great interest to you in recent discussions.

1) Being responsible for a balanced budget, the ima team is not allowed to spend money that is not in the bank. Therefore, we cannot assign any more software development orders in 2018. In the short term, it's not possible to integrate a display of individual memory consumption or a donation button into the website, nor to fix any bugs. As a special service, however, we offer club members the opportunity to be informed of the amount of memory consumed by all their files. Send an e-mail with the access data of your ipernity account to ipernity.marketing@gmail.com. (The easiest method is to copy the link to your account from the browser line into the mail.)

2) With regard to donation offers, we remind you that it has always been possible to give club subscriptions to "free" users www.ipernity.com/club/gift/network. In this way, you can easily support people with low incomes or from economically disadvantaged regions. If you would like to remain anonymous to the recipient, we will be happy to help as a mediator. In such a case, please send an e-mail to ipernity.marketing@gmail.com as well.

Over and above, we would like to make a preferential offer to all club members today and thus reward your loyalty:

3) In addition to our given promise to protect club members confidence with respect to existing contracts, we invite you to renew your subscriptions before March 31, 2019 - even if the renewal is due later. This will allow you to postpone your transition date to the new Standard Subscription to some date in the future, at your convenience. With respect to the current subscription fees, we recommend that you renew your subscription before January 31, 2019. Because in February, we will have to adjust your contributions to the strength of the US dollar. (The hosting service has to be paid in US Dollars not Euros. The contributions in the other currencies will be increased by between 3 and 10 %.)

Your ima team


Stormlizard said:

Thank you I M A Team for this new information.
6 years ago

StoneRoad2013 said:

Thanks, John, You're welcome.
6 years ago

HaarFager said:

As long as I get to keep my account with unlimited uploads.
6 years ago