I am here because I'm "kicking tires" while looking for a possible new home. The new Flickr is awful and if they don't offer options to fix the awful problems, I will be leaving.
There's a lot to like about ipernity, but I'm not sold yet. Seems very small, though this may be because I not know how to get around yet. It appears that there are no Articles or Docs to read, which doesn't make sense. Then again, the FAQ isn't working either. Seems odd since this place suggests it's been around since 2007.
I *LOVE* having the ability to create blog pages though! Wonderful! I have more to investigate, but for now, I've uploaded some pictures. We'll see! :)
Ulrich Dinges said:
Janet Brien replied to Ulrich Dinges:
Sylvain Wiart said:
Jim Boynton said: