A Small Bit About My Collection
A note on my collection: Almost all of my albums are incomplete. (Even drawing from my already posted photos.) I just have not had time to put all of them in multiple, appropriate albums yet - but I'm slowly getting there.
Also, I get bored easily and enjoy posting different images every day, rather than, say, one hundred images of WW1 in a row.
Which may make things seem a little random, but they do all go in albums.
So, if you are interested in a certain topic, check back from time to time, because there will probably be additional images, sooner or later.
Thanks for visiting!

1 comment

Deborah Lundbech said:

Thanks, Angelica! We seem to be on the same page in many respects - although our collections are so different!
And I always love the surprising and wonderfully inventive viewpoints of your collection.
11 years ago