Notes: Header Illustration created from stock images purchased from Shutterstock®. Story is a narrative of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.
The United States has been invaded. The Coronavirus has taken over the White House. To deceive the American people, officials claim it “snuck” in. Maybe the secret service is to blame for sleeping on the job! If it was only so! The President threw open every door and window and invited it in.
Now the Coronavirus controls the country’s nuclear codes and nuclear football. It is on the verge of taking over the Capitol and the Pentagon too; top military brass have fled into quarantine. Our national security is disrupted and our government is on the brink of collapse. Yet the President declares, “We’ve done a great job!” For whom, the Coronavirus? After all to the President and his supporters, everyone who takes protective measures and wears a facemask is viewed as an “enemy!” No doubt, this mindset inspired the coup plotters who conspired to overthrow the sitting Governor of Michigan; to them her strong anti-COVID-19 stance is nothing short of “treason!”
The situation in the USA is like a bad sci-fi nightmare, only it is real – a real “War of the worlds” pitting our DNA against its RNA, our species against a lethal, merciless microbe.
The Coronavirus has invaded the bodies of millions in the USA, including that of the President. It now controls his mind and he is the “Super Spreader in Chief” who doesn’t think he needs a negative test result to interact with others maskless! To facilitate community spread, the White House even refuses CDC offers of help to contact trace; they shun this practice to keep the Coronavirus “great!” It is no coincidence, their "stimulus" funding plans omit provisions to fight the virus!
The President has surrendered; actually a good part of the American population has surrendered. Now the President even calls the COVID-19 takeover “a blessing from God” and implores all to “learn to live with it!” Yes, we are told, “there is nothing to fear” if only we choose peaceful coexistence. Imagine the tragic consequences for the innocent, trusting child who hears the misleading words, “Don’t be afraid!” Trust forever broken to say the least.
The President has also rallied his supporters who say they will die for him and thus for the Coronavirus. To prove it, groups try to outdo the other – some even burning facemasks! Others urge Americans to “let it take its course” promising that every person who goes maskless and consequently is infected will be the better for it. Yes, each of us is told, “Take off your mask! Let it enter your body!” – with the false assurance our lives will be spared. Reality, though is harsh and tells a much different story – more than 210,000 dead in the USA alone. Their “herd immunity” is in fact sociopathic “herd mentality” that can only end badly with a mad stampede to the graveyard that "culls the herd." They are real life zombies. With their minds in a conscious vegetative state, they suffer cognitive paralysis. They are unable to discern dystopian reality from their suspended phantasmagorical coma.
Similar to 9/11 when the Twin Towers came down and the Pentagon burned, entire communities are coming down and hotspots are now raging infernos. Through it all, economies collapse, population segments are exterminated and mortality statistics are denied as "fake news." The pain and emptiness of loss are mocked!
As hundreds of thousands are dying and the country is under microbial occupation, will Americans gain the necessary courage to fight back? Will the USA win this war and at what cost? Only time will tell. Until then let each and every person here in the USA and in every corner of the planet, whose countries are also under attack mask up, social distance and RESIST!
The end… Let us shape and determine it, not the Coronavirus. Let us be able to say, we lived “happily ever after.” Heck, let us be able to say simply, “we LIVED!”
The United States has been invaded. The Coronavirus has taken over the White House. To deceive the American people, officials claim it “snuck” in. Maybe the secret service is to blame for sleeping on the job! If it was only so! The President threw open every door and window and invited it in.
Now the Coronavirus controls the country’s nuclear codes and nuclear football. It is on the verge of taking over the Capitol and the Pentagon too; top military brass have fled into quarantine. Our national security is disrupted and our government is on the brink of collapse. Yet the President declares, “We’ve done a great job!” For whom, the Coronavirus? After all to the President and his supporters, everyone who takes protective measures and wears a facemask is viewed as an “enemy!” No doubt, this mindset inspired the coup plotters who conspired to overthrow the sitting Governor of Michigan; to them her strong anti-COVID-19 stance is nothing short of “treason!”
The situation in the USA is like a bad sci-fi nightmare, only it is real – a real “War of the worlds” pitting our DNA against its RNA, our species against a lethal, merciless microbe.
The Coronavirus has invaded the bodies of millions in the USA, including that of the President. It now controls his mind and he is the “Super Spreader in Chief” who doesn’t think he needs a negative test result to interact with others maskless! To facilitate community spread, the White House even refuses CDC offers of help to contact trace; they shun this practice to keep the Coronavirus “great!” It is no coincidence, their "stimulus" funding plans omit provisions to fight the virus!
The President has surrendered; actually a good part of the American population has surrendered. Now the President even calls the COVID-19 takeover “a blessing from God” and implores all to “learn to live with it!” Yes, we are told, “there is nothing to fear” if only we choose peaceful coexistence. Imagine the tragic consequences for the innocent, trusting child who hears the misleading words, “Don’t be afraid!” Trust forever broken to say the least.
The President has also rallied his supporters who say they will die for him and thus for the Coronavirus. To prove it, groups try to outdo the other – some even burning facemasks! Others urge Americans to “let it take its course” promising that every person who goes maskless and consequently is infected will be the better for it. Yes, each of us is told, “Take off your mask! Let it enter your body!” – with the false assurance our lives will be spared. Reality, though is harsh and tells a much different story – more than 210,000 dead in the USA alone. Their “herd immunity” is in fact sociopathic “herd mentality” that can only end badly with a mad stampede to the graveyard that "culls the herd." They are real life zombies. With their minds in a conscious vegetative state, they suffer cognitive paralysis. They are unable to discern dystopian reality from their suspended phantasmagorical coma.
Similar to 9/11 when the Twin Towers came down and the Pentagon burned, entire communities are coming down and hotspots are now raging infernos. Through it all, economies collapse, population segments are exterminated and mortality statistics are denied as "fake news." The pain and emptiness of loss are mocked!
As hundreds of thousands are dying and the country is under microbial occupation, will Americans gain the necessary courage to fight back? Will the USA win this war and at what cost? Only time will tell. Until then let each and every person here in the USA and in every corner of the planet, whose countries are also under attack mask up, social distance and RESIST!
The end… Let us shape and determine it, not the Coronavirus. Let us be able to say, we lived “happily ever after.” Heck, let us be able to say simply, “we LIVED!”
polytropos said:
StoneRoad2013 said:
"Hands, Face, Space"
as a reminder to people to " wash hands, wear a face covering and keep socially spaced ".
Andy Rodker said:
William Sutherland said:
Ghislaine said:
Nous parlons aussi des Moutons de Panurge (to follow like sheep)
Ce qui signifie, qu'hélas, lorsque une majorité choisit un président...tous doivent dans l'avenir vivre (et)(ou) subir les inconséquences du patron (boss), qui sont nombreuses avec ce boss.
J'ai suivi les comptes-rendus des débats Trump/Biden : la "forme" n'était pas celle que l'on peut attendre d'adultes responsables, ayant un engagement ou s'engageant pour les autres...Quant au fond, il appartient aux électeurs de réfléchir.
Le problème avant d'être celui du coronavirus, est d'abord celui du choix de ce président, qui travaille pour "lui", comme un superman égocentré : moi d'abord, mon idée de "Ma Patrie Rêvée"
Le coronavirus qui est une catastrophe, est un révélateur qui devrait ouvrir les yeux de tous.
C'est universel.
Ce serait plus simple si tous les pays s'entendaient pour une gestion commune de la pandémie
Mais c'est déjà si difficile de s'entendre pour l'importation d'un camembert ou...
En France, certaines villes, s'opposent aux décisions centrales parce qu'elles sont "parisiennes" : des réactions de petits chefs de guerre, de coq de village.
Ce n'est pas terminé.
William Sutherland said:
It would be great for a common pandemic approach but as with other topics such as climate change, there is too much division. We probably blew the best opportunity when President George H.W. Bush was voted out of office in effect ending "the new world order." Given more time, perhaps the world could have united for common causes. Stay well!
Ingo Krehl said:
©UdoSm said:
William Sutherland said:
Peggy C replied to William Sutherland:
* ઇଓ * said:
Crises are always also a revelation of a person's true personality.
Let's hope that not only the American people will wake up, recognize
and draw conclusive consequences.
Peggy C said:
We are sick of that pseudo-human ... if we could give him to another country, we would !
He never kept his Oath of Office .... look it up .... not one time -- unless it would benefit him ..
-- hey, he said I could vote twice [ doesn't matter that it is a felony in North Carolina !]
"if you vote by mail, go vote in person, too. If it shows on their voting records that you have voted, they will just turn you away .. but if it doesn't show up -- vote."
When I heard that, I almost threw something at him !
Time ... not too much longer ... patience, Peggy .....
Peggy C replied to Peggy C:
Article II Section 1 ( US Constitution )
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
William Sutherland said:
William Sutherland said: