The Fog Comes (Then Moves On)
In 1878, Carl Sandburg wrote:

The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

Nearly 140 years later on April 3, 2015, Sandburg’s descriptive poem transcended the paper on which it was written. The words leapt off the pages and a thick blanket of fog rolled across the Long Island Sound on “little cat feet.”

For a time, it sat over the water, shrouding Long Island and also the landscape across Larchmont Harbor in white .

Stealthily, it approached the shore on a light northeast breeze. The last buoy before the rocks of Manor Park soon disappeared as the white cloud hugged the water and slipped ever closer to shore. Soon Umbrella Point with its distinctive mini gazebo and the Park’s two large gazebos, still barren trees, and large glacial erratic would vanish from sight.

And so an early spring day would end on an eerie note.

But then, just as the future is never fully certain, the wind suddenly shifted as the fog had begun to roll up the metamorphic rocks that lined the shore. For a moment, the fog seemed to sit on “silent haunches.” And then, as the gentle northwesterly breeze filtered across the Park, the fog ‘moved on.’

The silently drifting fog of that April day reminds one that there is still much beauty in life that often is hidden from plain view. More often than not, that beauty is shrouded by the countless mundane elements that comprise daily living: tiresome commuting, long work days, seemingly endless chores. Persistence is required if one is to pierce the fog of the mundane aspects of living.

Persistence serves the photographer especially well. A good deal of persistence is often required to capture the magical lighting of a magnificent sunrise or sunset. Persistence is often required to photograph the sweetness of the hummingbirds that add vibrancy to summer’s flowers. Persistence is often necessary to snap a Monarch that splashes the summer landscape with an extra dose of color and the grace of a ballerina.

When such moments are captured, they can live on long beyond the time the photograph is printed or uploaded. It is in those moments that the proverbial fog lifts to reveal some of the remarkable beauty that is all around us. Such beauty is available to all, not just the photographers or artists. With summer now winding down, it is still not too late to seek out and find that beauty.


Stormlizard said:

An extremely well written point of fact Don.

Nature never ceases to give new beauty, the form of beauty changes with the seasons so there is also beauty to be found in the naked trees of winter.
9 years ago

Pam J said:


This brought tears to my eyes.... It truly is a piece of real beauty in its words and photographs.

Right now... my life has a heavy fog surrounding it... this has given me a pause for thought.

Beautiful Don..... simply Beautiful

9 years ago

Peggy C said:


You have brought us into your space... for that, thank you. Wonderfully written - beautiful photos of mystery.
Perhaps this shouldn't be what grabbed my attention and I went into gales of laughter...

So, we photogs are a persistent lot !

Do have to agree .. anyone who will sit for hours waiting for a Black Racer to re-appear must either be persistent or totally nuts.

Think I need to watch who I talk to when I am out with my camera .... my neighbors don't see what I do ... doesn't everyone talk to butterflies?

Thank you very much !
9 years ago

Don Sutherland said:

Thank you all for the very kind words. I very much hope everything works out for you, Pam.
9 years ago

beverley said:

we never know as we go through our daily "fog" of life ... sometimes coping
sometimes not ... what we will find around the corner ... that day or the day after ...
unless we look and are prepared ... and then often when we least expect it ...
a butterfly lands close by ... a bee buzzzes past and lands on a flower .. an
unusual bird flies into our garden ... from whence do they come ;-) ... just
like the shooting stars in our night sky at the moment ... last night was the first
time they could be seen ... I watched ... waited ... and hoped .... nothing ...
and then just as I was about to move away from the window ... the biggest
shooting star I have ever seen flashed past .. with a trail ... wow it was
wonderful ... and so we never know do we what we will see and when ;-)
your words and pictures were inspiring and I loved reading and viewing !
9 years ago

William Sutherland said:

Wonderful article!
9 years ago ( translate )

Esther said:

Well written and photographed.
9 years ago