"You Want To Play The American" is the translation of "To Vuo Fa L'Americano" (Nicola Salerno - Renato Carsone) as played and sung by Renato Carosone (Carusone) in 1956. The composers also hit the world market with "Mambo Italiano" and "Torero". Both Renato and Julius Larose had a Billboard hit with "Torero" in 1958.
Australia's Yolanda Be Cool (Andrew Stanley and Matthew Handley) and their producer DCUP (Duncan MacLellan) issued "We No Speak Americano" (Renato Carosone - Johnson Peterson - David Maclennan - Sylvester Martinez - Nicola Salerno) in 2010. The song became an unexpected hit in the band's native country, Europe, Latin America and then the United States where in hit Billboard at number twenty-nine. The moniker "Yolanda Be Cool" comes from the film "Pulp Fiction" when the character Yolanda is told to be cool.