Photo Blog, September 9th, 2007
To start off with, I should say that I'm not the photo blog type, or even the blog type, but perhaps I figured I could introduce people to new work and tell people what's in progress to keep their interest....if indeed they're interested in what I'm doing at all.
As for the current situation, my work is currently exhibited on, Facebook, DeviantArt, Flickr,, and iPernity, with a total of maybe 700-some-odd shots, all but a few of them taken with film. The digital images are either screenshots or taken with the iSight camera built into my Macbook. Most of my photos are either railway photos, landscapes, or architectural photos, and the vast majority, also, were taken while I was travelling around Europe and the U.S., almost always by train. I shoot in color and black and white, in both 35mm and 120 format, although I've also shot 110 and some Polaroids. In fact, the first camera I ever used was a Polaroid, back in 1984. In any case, nothing that I have online currently predates 1990, I don't think. I'm seriously considering scanning and uploading some of my older stuff, as surprisingly it isn't all that bad, but for the moment I'm trying to play catchup after this summer.
Basically, what I have coming up right now is that I have to scan, postprocess (to remove dust and so on), and upload the photos that I took this summer, the number of which I'm not really sure of. It will certainly be hundreds of shots, and so far I'm not sure if I've even uploaded 100. I'm not counting, as I'm just working like crazy on it. As the school year is starting, I won't be able to do much in a week or two, so I'm cramming right now to try and get as much of it up as I can. It's really hard to get my head around all of it, in fact, as I may have travelled more this summer, if you count February and March, which really aren't summer months :-), than at any time since 1993. I'm not really sure. I've been all over the Czech Republic, I've been to Poland, Denmark, and Sweden for the very first time. I've visited Germany, Belgium, Britain, the U.S., and Austria, and I'm probably even forgetting some stuff. At the moment I'm still busy with photos from April and May, as I'm having to play catchup with my trips to Krivoklat and Sumava, and then I'll have to look at my trips to Copenhagen, Malmo, Warsaw, Liberec, Litomysl, Lipnice, and Plzen, as well as my trips from 2005 that I took to Brno and Bratislava, as very few of those photos have been exhibited yet and I'd really like to get some of them up. As for stuff that's pre-2005, I still have a lot of it, it's on my mind, and I really am unable to act on it! I've got way too much stuff to handle as it is.
Obviously, I welcome your comments, as well as any work that you can get me. :-) Here are the links to what I currently have online:
First of all, my own website:
And then, the main photo sharing and online galleries that I have:
I hope that you enjoy my work, of course, and hopefully far more will be on the way...