Back in Circulation (I Hope)
I haven't been around for almost three months and several of you have asked whether I'm okay and whether I'm still active on Ipernity. Here's what's been happening.

Back on March 22 I went in to emergency at the local hospital with what I thought and the doctors first thought was appendicitis. An abdominal drain was put in to drain off the expected infection with an appendectomy scheduled several weeks later. The abdominal drain, however, produced no signs of infection but rather a kind of mucous and I was sent on to a specialist in Seattle who diagnosed the problem as mucinous neoplasms of the appendix, basically a tumor of the appendix that was producing a mucous-like substance that would in time strangle my organs and that could also have been cancerous. I had surgery on May 9 and had my appendix, part of my colon, gall bladder, omentum and peritoneum removed and was in the hospital recovering until May 24th (15 days). Thankfully, there were no signs of cancer and I am recovering at home now, something that is proceeding very slowly. The doctor has said it will take two to three months to get my strength back, but we are, of course, hoping it takes less time. We are certainly expecting a full recovery by September and are planning to climb the crater at Mount Saint Helens in September or October.

In the meantime I hope to be back on Ipernity, though I can't promise a photo a day as in the past. We continue to hope that Ipernity will survive and that all the careful work of IMA will produce good results.

Just a quick update (end of June). Back in hospital this past week with blood clots in leg and both lungs. Thus the lack of posts. Won't be posting again until very near the end of July.

It has been quite a spring and summer. Just returned from my fourth hospital stay since the end of March (beginning of August), this time for an obstructed bowel, the result of scar tissue. Thus, once again, the lack of postings and comments. Hope to be back here by the end of the summer. In the meantime I'm wondering what's happening with Ipernity since I haven't seen any news for a while.


Stormlizard said:

Gladto see you back Ron, just take the time needed to regainfull strength,remebering that you eed to walk before running.
According to thelatest news from the I MA we will be taking over between nowand early August.
7 years ago

Fizgig said:

Glad to hear your health scare had a positive outcome! Wishing you well and continued recovery...
7 years ago

Pam J said:

SO glad to see you back Ron !

I knew you had the op coming and didnt want to disturb you.. but that was one heck of an operation !!

SO glad no cancer. Its now a matter of healing. You have on your side that you were fit in the first place.

Don't hurry the healing.. let it take the time it needs.

Just happy you are getting WELL.

7 years ago

sasithorn_s said:

Hello Ron....I was worried after your long absence... So glad to hear that the surgery was
a success and you're doing well. I pray for your quick and full recovery. Please take care, Ron
7 years ago

Annemarie said:

Thanks Ron for the news, and I am happy that finaly all turned out fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its great that you plan again hiking tours:) and I wish you a quick quick recovery
hugs from Rome, Annamaria
7 years ago

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Bonjour Ron, heureuse de partager à nouveau nos petits plaisirs communs, surtout ne faites pas d'imprudence comme on dit chez moi " qui va doucement va longtemps", prenez bien soin de vous, la santé d'abord ! Amitiés. Jocelyne.
7 years ago ( translate )

Kathleen Thorpe said:

Yes, Ron, I was wondering about you and whether you had decided to leave Ipernity. I'm so very sorry about your surgery and so glad that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Please post whenever you can. It will be great to see your images again. Take care of yourself and I wish you a speedy recovery!
7 years ago

* ઇଓ * said:

Welcome back, Ron!
My best wishes for your recovery. Besides, I wish you the time it needs.
7 years ago

RHH said:

Thank you all for your kindness and good wishes.
7 years ago

Maeluk said:

I wish you well for your recovery Ron. Take it easy and don't go running off to the mountains too early.. Good luck.
7 years ago

Bruce Dean (Puchinpa… said:

Good to hear that you are back. Don't push it, we want you around for a while.
7 years ago

Andy Rodker said:

Pleased to hear your news and that you are focusing on a good goal in September..
Last year I was in a similar situation but for me this was cancer and I underwent 6 chemotherapy sessions, Now I feel great and am starting to get back into the mountains that I love. I spent much of last year posting old photos on Pano and later ipernity and I found the whole thing very therapeutic.
Now I am in full remission from leukaemia and determined to take things more easily than I did in the past.
I want to see those Mount Saint Helens pics!!!!
All best wishes,
7 years ago

RHH replied to Andy Rodker:

I had chemotherapy as well. While they had me opened up and all the organs removed that were necessary they filled my abdomen with hot chemo and let it set for two hours before draining it off. Glad I was asleep during the whole process. Didn't know of your ordeal but am happy you are in remission and feeling great.
7 years ago

Andy Rodker replied to :

Well, I won't go into any more detail, Ron except to say that I'm delighted that you are up and about again on ipernity!
As I said - I am looking forward to more super photos!
All best wishes,
7 years ago

slgwv said:

Yikes! Glad you're back and cancer-free. Take it easy for a while!
7 years ago