If you've got the patience, you might check out this report on NBCNews.com:
"In Klamath Falls, Oregon, victory declared over antifa, which never showed up...
Towns from Washington state to Indiana have seen armed groups begin patrolling the streets after rumors spread on social media about an antifa invasion." You might find some of the reported social media rumors absurd, but that's where we are, now.
Antifa is the acronym for Anti-fascists, a loose amalgam of leftist groups, some of whom do not shy away from answering violence with violence. Here is a photo of some of my fellow Klamath Falls citizens who are "guarding" business on Main Street, with Black Lives Matter protestors - all peaceful during all nights of protest - on the other side of the street. Some have come into town from outlying areas of the county. This is an example of the seriousness of what this country faces should Trump be allowed to go full-on fascist, which he might be. It won't take much to recruit these men and hundreds of thousands more like them into a Trump Private Army. (Click photo for larger version)
Photo: Aurora Simpson
Diane Putnam said:
Berny replied to Diane Putnam:
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HappySnapper said: