
Ich wünschte ich hätte in der Schule besser aufgepasst, als es darum ging, interessant zu schreiben. Dieses Bild machte ich jedenfalls heute morgen auf dem Weg zur Arbeit, als ich anhielt, um im Supermarkt Eibrötchen zu besorgen.
Ein Biotop mit Nahrung im Überfluss. Mein lieber Schwan Spatz.


Elbertinum said:

Du hast sehr interessante Fotos - und - was nicht ist - kann noch werden :-)
11 years ago ( translate )

Janet Brien said:

So funny, look at the last line of this Google Translate: "I wish I would have watched better in school, as it was interesting to write. I made this picture anyway, this morning on the way to work, when I stopped to get at the supermarket Eibrötchen. A Habitat with abundant food. Bloody hell Sparrow."

I was like, WHAT???!!! So I translated word by word and got it right, "My dear swan/sparrow." How did it get BLOODY HELL SPARROW?! ROFLMAO, OMG SO FUNNY!!! Chrissy, you need to say nice things to sparrows, not hurl curses at them! :D :D :D *cackle*

I think what you said was that you enjoyed writing in school, and didn't look around as much as you now wished that you had? But you certainly look around now, don't you?! :) We can't have too many regrets over our child-selves, because we were learning every day, not acting on experience as we do now! :)

This picture, by the way, is wonderful!! They look like they are in cages, and yet, they are happily just waiting for some tasty things to eat! :D Adorable!
11 years ago