

A Kalash girl in a remote area of hard-to-reach Pakistan, adjacent to the Afghan border. The Kalash are a small ethnic minority (14000 people) who are not Islamic. They follow their own polytheistic religion, and culture, which is under huge pressure from a hardline Islam seeping across the Afghan border. The women and girls wear these colourful dresses all the time, even as school uniforms, together with the eye-catching headdresses. They are loud, open and cheery. Also well educated. We spent several days in their remote valleys of the Hindu Kush mountains with them in an area named Kafiristan.
This girl had just come home from school and was playing.

Happy Friday, and a wonderful weekend to all.
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©UdoSm said:

Very interesting Your photo and your explanation...
20 months ago

David G Johnson said:

Good interest there Diana'... and a wonderful sounding tour too - Have a good weekend - keep well - ''HFF'' - and Good wishes too - from David J.
20 months ago

Yves Saulnier said:

Je leur souhaite que cela continu pour elles.
20 months ago ( translate )

Keith Burton said:

A delightful candid shot Diana...........and a lovely story in the narrative.
20 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Un rendu d'une extrême beauté bien enjolivé par ces belles couleurs typiquement pakistanaise.
Bonne et agréable soirée salutaire.
20 months ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 said:

Jolie photo et un texte explicatif très intéressant!!!!!!
20 months ago

Jean-Paul said:

Stunning pic.
THX and for you too a great friday an d weekend!

PS: I imagin the pic in a square format, beginning at the right sight nearly behind the skirt dress...
20 months ago

Diana Australis replied to Jean-Paul:

Yes..I have played with square format too. For some reason I like it like this…
Thanks JP…..have a super weekend
20 months ago

Steve Paxton said:

great to see this very colourful costume, HFF you have a FINE weekend.
20 months ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

Lovely colours and a superb capture D
Thanks for the interesting notes
HFF and a great weekend
20 months ago

Christa1004 said:

What an amazing experience this trip must have been for you. I wonder what the girl has in her mouth? HFF Diana.
20 months ago

Dimas Sequeira said:

Interesting to know about this people! HFF and thanks for sharing, Diana!
20 months ago

William Sutherland said:

Superb capture! HFF! Stay well!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
20 months ago

LotharW said:

HFF, Diana und ein schönes, sonniges Wochenende!
20 months ago ( translate )

Günter Diel said:

Interesting information!
20 months ago ( translate )