
Angry of Mayfair

She is Neva Masquerade, an eternal child and forever curious of anything new or unexpected. She always stares people in the eye – and hates being stared at. If at all possible, she always sleeps in the lap, and whatever is done in the kitchen, she participates by sitting on the shoulder.
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Gabi Lombardo said:

she is really lovely and your little controler ;-)))
9 months ago

Tanja - Loughcrew said:

Uhhhh...ich könnte diesem Blick nicht standhalten....aber sie ist eine Schönheit :)
9 months ago ( translate )

Boro said:

Superbe ***********
9 months ago ( translate )

RCW. said:

Diese Augen...
9 months ago ( translate )

raingirl said:

oh oh oh! Perfection in a kitty photo. What a sweet creature to live with (even with that angry face *smile*).
8 months ago

Pierre Pasqualini said:

Superbe portrait!
8 months ago ( translate )

dolores666 said:

8 months ago ( translate )

Gillian Everett said:

Wonderful expression
8 months ago ( translate )

Léopold said:

Neva est très photogénique !
8 months ago ( translate )

Nick Weall said:

8 months ago ( translate )

elvigiadelosamanecer… said:

Hermosa captura.
7 months ago ( translate )

Eva Lewitus said:

What a cat!
7 months ago

Marije Aguillo said:

Todo un caracter.
6 months ago ( translate )

Gary Schotel said:

Cool cat.
6 months ago ( translate )

Don Sutherland said:

Very beautiful cat.
5 months ago