

Together they are strong; they guide us, they protect us and they give shelter to our ways.
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marty1107 said:

dazzling shot, simply terrific ... love the vertical lines, trees, woman ... she's at a crossroads, coming out of the fog ... was this a planned capture? ... gives me goosebumps
10 years ago

Spo said:

Thank you, Mitch and Martin. This was planned in the way that she was driving me around, showing me places, and happened to drive past this spot. I had never seen the place before and asked her to turn back. She parked beside the trees - car is just out of the frame at left - and I asked her to walk a few yards into the alley and back. It took us only a minute; you can see from her slight hunch that the weather was really uninviting.
10 years ago

Michael Moore Hitchi… said:

Top shot, beautifully framed and presented.
The snow against the base of the trees adds greatly to the scene.
10 years ago

Bruno Suignard said:

10 years ago ( translate )

Berny said:

great ambience!
10 years ago ( translate )

Natrixxl said:

absolutely beautiful ... mood, frame B&W +++
10 years ago

Bédé said:

Beautiful bw !
10 years ago

Edward Herdwick said:

10 years ago

Eefje said:

I hope she turned around and looked back one more time, the light here is gorgeous.
9 years ago

Spo replied to Eefje:

Unfortunately she walked straight into her car, which was parked just outside the frame at the left. :-) It was a very, very dark winter day, and cold too, as you can see from her hunch.
9 years ago

Eefje replied to Spo:

That's another reason why I like this photo that much, you can actually feel the cold here.
9 years ago

Christel Ehretsmann said:

once upon a time...
4 years ago

Spo replied to Christel Ehretsmann:

...in the east.
4 years ago

Rachel J Bowler said:

Great sense of depth in this one.
3 years ago

Annemarie said:

Excellent !
3 years ago ( translate )