
Populus tremula ’Erecta’ in spring - Tampere, Finland

Spring! The fresh aspen leaves looks almost "rusty".

The same spot in 2016:
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Marta Wojtkowska said:

Rusty indeed :)

Great to see you, Sami!
2 years ago

Andy Rodker said:

Impressive! Nice one Mr Serola (inactive)!!!
2 years ago ( translate )

©UdoSm said:

Well done Sami...
2 years ago ( translate )

* ઇઉ * said:

The effect of colors – simply fantastic.
How much more vivid does this year's shot look
based of the gentle color contrasts that create a harmony of their very own
than the shot from 2016!

A great pleasure to see another new post of you.
All the best to you and your loved ones, Sami – for the weekend and beyond!
2 years ago