
Kew garden - leaves 15

Inside one of the conservatories.
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ROL/Photo said:

L'art de dame Nature mis en valeur
belle composition
6 months ago ( translate )

raingirl replied to ROL/Photo:

Thank you so much. Yes, mother nature is great at making beauty.
6 months ago

Jocelyne Villoing said:

C'est joli, belle approche sur la matière !
Bonne journée.
6 months ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Exceptional capture!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
6 months ago ( translate )

Mikus said:

Simply naturally beautiful.
6 months ago ( translate )

Edna Edenkoben said:

Yes, 2023 gradually leaves... ;-)
A wonderful photo, Laura!
6 months ago ( translate )

Günter Klaus said:

Das sind ja sehr schöne Texturen liebe Laura :))

Wünsche auch Dir ein Gutes,Gesundes,Neues Jahr 2024,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
6 months ago ( translate )

RHH said:

Very nice combination of colors, textures and patterns, Laura. Love conservatories for exactly this kind of thing and we have one right in town here. Kew is one of our favorite places ibn London and we always make a point of going there.
6 months ago

Nora Caracci said:

great compo and greenery !
my best wishes for the new year !
6 months ago

Dominique 60 said:

des diagonales , des lignes droites , tout y est !!
6 months ago ( translate )

Annemarie said:

great work Laura
Thanks for your wonderful images, your presence and constant support.

Happy 2024 to you and your beloved ones.
6 months ago

Ulrich John said:

A fantastic composition, Laura ! Happy New Year !!!
6 months ago ( translate )

vero said:

Un chef d'oeuvre, Cette composition, d'art, magnifique cette nature ,d'un vert, bravo Laura, belle er douce soirée ne très belle et bonne Année 2024 que tes voeux se réalisent, plein de bonheur, d'amour de joie, santé, pour tous les gens qui travaillent avec toi, ta famille tes proches gros bisous
6 months ago ( translate )

Xata said:

Fine lines for this composition, Laura, leaves are fascinating.
6 months ago ( translate )

Saj Henderson said:

A beautiful image to quiet the mind and lead us to contemplation.
6 months ago