
We can't do this without you.

Figure out what your contribution will be! Will you be our next treasurer? Vice President? (Wouldn't that look nice in your autobiography!) Details here:
ipernity club members have always been generous with their ideas, money and kindness. This generosity is what's kept us going for the 5 years since we took over the commercial website.

Now we need a new set of members to be generous with their time. We need people to volunteer to help keep our club running.

Will that be you? Curious if it could be you? Wonder how that would work, what it is like to be part of the ima team?

Contact the current team of volunteers through the 'Help & Contact' link at the bottom of every page with all your questions and desire to help.

Curiosity and fresh ideas welcome!
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William Sutherland said:

Fabulous work for a great cause! Stay well!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
2 years ago

Peter Castell said:

Very creative Laura I hope it has the desired effect. Would it be possible to replace the area that says Personalise your space with this so that everyones sees it something visual might get the attention of those who never read text
2 years ago

raingirl replied to Peter Castell:

If I understand you correctly, I think I did it. Good idea.
2 years ago

Peter Castell said:

I find it very sad that out of the approximate 220 contacts you have 10 have given it a star and only 2 have bothered to comment wether they think the idea is good bad or indifferent
2 years ago

raingirl replied to Peter Castell:

It is easy to be disappointed, for sure. It is hard when people don't respond, but we all have our own focus (camera pun intended *smile*). One never knows what is going on in other people's lives - I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

And I just consider my posts such as these to be our internal advertising - and percentages of response is usually pretty low to such things, so I just keep trying new and different ways to get the word out.

For example, I wrote ipermails to a few of my contacts that I thought might be good candidates for treasurer. Everyone responded to my personal message and were very gracious for my intrusion.

Thank you for keeping communications going, for voicing your opinion and ideas about things here, both photographically and about the running of ipernity.

Have you seen this? www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4737428/comment/64259754#comment64259754

I hope people give him an encouraging word.

It will be interesting to see if anyone can/wants to do the job of vice-president.
2 years ago

Blue rubber octopus said:

Isn't there a requirement these positions be in EU?
2 years ago

raingirl replied to Blue rubber octopus:

Not really. It is logistically helpful for the treasurer position, but not a legal requirement from our association rules. And not at all needed for Vice President. Our President is in the United States, for example.
2 years ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Impossible pour moi qui habite au Maghreb (Nord d'Afrique ) autrement j'aurais bien-aimé.
J'espère qu'on trouvera quelqu'un au plus vite.
Merci de le rappeler et bon week-end salutaire.
2 years ago ( translate )

raingirl replied to Malik Raoulda:

Are you really interested? Are you saying you can't because you aren't in the EU?
2 years ago

Malik Raoulda replied to raingirl:

C'est ce que je pense du fait que LA DOMICILIATION BANCAIRE se trouve en france.
Pour le reste je redonderai par message privé.
2 years ago ( translate )

Berny said:

I hope, that 2 volunteers can be found for the vacant positions. As I already stated elsewhere, unfortunately I cannot help personally because of several reasons.

But I think it's urgent to destress the situation as quick as possible. The several messages, that "Ipernity will be shut down", "this would be the immediate end of Ipernity" do not help. This panic is possibly dispersing users as it happened in the past. There has to be a plan B.

So I suggest, that the wording and actions are limited to the intensive search for volunteers, yes, but without this fear causing thread of closing.

So I suggest the following:
1) For a LIMITED TIME PERIOD a Vice President is not needed to keep Ipernity in business. The AGM could pass such a resolution. For a limited time means, only until a new suitable person is found. But this cannot be a reason to shut down Ipernity on a certain date.
2) If no treasurer can be found now, FOR A LIMITED time period a professional paid accountant could be deligated for this work, until a new volunteer is found.

So there is absolutely no reason for the threat "Ipernity is shut down immediately, if not....until...."!!

Good luck!
2 years ago

raingirl replied to Berny:

I assume you have seen that we have some action happening for treasurer. This is very good news.
2 years ago

xenophora replied to raingirl:

I was just about to message you and ask how things are going. I hope we have someone ready to step forward. :)
2 years ago

J. Gafarot said:

Very interesting mails.
It makes mr respect even more our friends in here.
Hope it all ends up well.
2 years ago ( translate )

raingirl replied to J. Gafarot:

We have succeeded at getting new volunteers to keep things running! They were voted into office at our annual meeting on March 17th, 2022.

We have a great community. Everyone supports our club in their own way. Happily there are some who volunteer to do the hard work of running the website and keeping the books so we can pay the bills.

Thanks for visiting my photos!
2 years ago