
Knill's Monument

On top of a hill outside St. Ives in Cornwall (Carbis Bay, to be geographically precise) is this granite monument built in 1767.

It was intended to be a mausoleum for it's creator John Knill, but since he was buried in Holborn, London, it has always remained empty. Among his many minor claims to fame is that he was mayor of the town between 1762 & 1782.
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Gudrun said:

A monument to life's absurdities, but a photogenic one! hFF and a good weekend!
8 months ago

Stephan Fey said:

HFF and a happy weekend ahead!
8 months ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

Interesting notes and an excellent capture Paul
HFF and a good weekend!
8 months ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) replied to Roger (Grisly):

Thank you for posting your image in the group
8 months ago

Ecobird said:

Well captured Paul. A beautiful sky for a backdrop a;sp.

HFF and have a good weekend
8 months ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Rwemarkable structure'well captured.
8 months ago ( translate )

Xata said:

A great perspective there, HFF Paul
8 months ago

Reyk said:

Imposantes Bauwerk und eine interessante Geschichte.
HFF und ein schönes WE.
8 months ago ( translate )

ColRam said:

Ce mausolée se détache bien sur ce ciel bleu !
HFF et bon Week end
8 months ago ( translate )

Fred Fouarge said:

HFF-Paul nice weekend
8 months ago ( translate )

Erika+Manfred said:

HFF, wish you a nice weekend
8 months ago ( translate )

Trudy Tuinstra said:

have a good sunday
8 months ago ( translate )

Bergfex said:

Belated HHF and a nice rest of the weekend!
8 months ago