
Reflecting on the Eden.

I slept very late today and woke still tired with gardening aches and pains. Faffed around on the computer as usual then stripped the bed and took the bedding downstairs. Half way down the phone rang so there was a bit of a kerfuffle to answer it. Turned out to be Veda who never usually phones at that time but I collapsed onto the sofa and we chatted away for over an hour. Finally fed the birds, loaded the washing machine and had breakfast at lunch time in my housecoat unshowered.
Eventually made myself presentable and abandoned any plans to do anything other than the normal Saturday laundry routine. That was enough. I was so tired. Read, photographed the birds for a while with the window open. I had intended to go to Leven but I didn't have the energy so went to Strath yet again hoping I might see the dippers but no luck. I caught a glimpse of lambs in a field on the way there and made a note. Spent some time looking at the river at the start of the walk. It's nicer than I thought it was. Coming back to my car I met a woman with a little Westie I've met previously. I could see the dog giving me the once over and realising that it had met me before. They are so enthusiastic and full of zest it's impossible not to smile.
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HappySnapper said:

Interesting shot Jean, it's quiet difficult to look at, water seems to be running in all directions. I'm thinking on the left the water is a few centimetres deep and there are some reflections of trees in there as well.
3 years ago

raingirl said:

i love this river view. all the varying wave patterns make this very interesting.
3 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Cool shot Jean.
Enjoy your Sunday.
3 years ago

Doug Shepherd said:

Lovely reflections composition Jean. I like multiple directions of the water flow, especially the 'chevrons' in the foreground on the right.
3 years ago

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Belle capture Jean, le dégradé de bleus est merveilleux !***********
Bon dimanche.
3 years ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

A delightful image Jean I like the reflections and the ripples are magical.
3 years ago

Annemarie said:


Happy sunday:)
3 years ago ( translate )

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

The stone looks like a dog's head Jean! I had to have a closer look :-) The reflections and colours are beautiful. Nice to meet the Westie again. I love those dogs and have thought of getting one, but then I think, I will get a rescued dog....but you never know, there might be a Westie!
3 years ago

sea-herdorf said:

Zuerst dachte ich es ist eine Robbe, die in diesem leicht bewegten Wasser schwimmt, Jean.
Wunderschöne Reflektionen.
Dazu erzählst Du uns auf einfühlsame Weise eine Geschichte welche irgendwie den Alltag darstellt.
Freundliche Grüße und einen angenehmen Sonntag
3 years ago ( translate )

tiabunna said:

Beautiful light and reflections, Jean.
3 years ago

Keith Burton said:

The movement of the water has been captured beautifully and a love the distorted reflections. This makes a gorgeous natural abstract image Jean.
3 years ago

Weard Bültena said:

alles schön in Bewegung.
3 years ago ( translate )

Amelia said:

Lovely swirls and eddies in the water. Nature is very good at art don't you think, Jean?
3 years ago