
Possibilities or...make that change


I try not to post to many of my pictures as they take a lot of space but I don't want to take away too much of their quality and I thank you for understanding.
Created with DAZ 3d Studio 4.10

“All the possibilities of your human destiny are asleep in your soul. You are here to realize and honor these possibilities. When love comes in to your life, unrecognized dimensions of your destiny awaken and blossom and grow. Possibility is the secret heart of time.”
― John O'Donohue
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Malik Raoulda said:

Belle et remarquable composition *******
Bonne et agréable fin de semaine.
5 years ago ( translate )

Proxar said:

Beautiful work!
5 years ago ( translate )

Jeanne chevillard said:

Très belle composition !!
5 years ago ( translate )

sea-herdorf said:

Selbst den Engeln wird es in diesem Sommer zu warm, Gerda...
oder aus den dunkeln Räumen ans Licht...
Sehr schöne Schöpfung...

Freundliche Grüße und einen schönen Sommerabend
5 years ago ( translate )

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Superbe création avec des couleurs ravissantes, très jolie image !+++++++++++
Bonne soirée mon amie.
5 years ago ( translate )

Nora Caracci said:

très belle création, comme toujours, Gerda !
bon WE !
5 years ago ( translate )

Pam J said:

5 years ago

@ngélique ❤️ said:

waouhhhhhhhh ! magnifique créa ***************bisous Gerda
5 years ago

Ulrich John said:

Großartige Arbeit, Gerda !
5 years ago ( translate )

Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* said:

une œuvre sublime conne à l'habitude ! tu me manques ma douce ! comment vas-tu ? écris-moi stp ! passe un beau week-end très chaud ici ! doux bisous♫
5 years ago ( translate )

tiabunna said:

An excellent creation, Gerda. A great creative concept and I can only imagine the time involved.
5 years ago

╰☆☆June☆☆╮ said:

Good work.
◦•●◉✿ Have a great weekend✿◉●•◦
5 years ago ( translate )

sasithorn_s said:

Superb creation and great quote, Gerda!
5 years ago

sasithorn_s said:

Thank you so much for your visits and very kind comments:)
Wishing you a lovely, relaxing weekend.
5 years ago

sasithorn_s said:

Thank you for helping to create awareness of breast cancer and testicular cancer.
It's all in your hands...
5 years ago