
Changing Seasons In The Prairie - Lomography

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Eva Lewitus said:

Lovely light. Good job on the sky.
8 months ago

Frank J Casella replied to Eva Lewitus:

Thank you much Eva!
8 months ago

Ulrich John said:

Great light, Frank ! HFF and a good weekend for you !
8 months ago

Frank J Casella replied to Ulrich John:

Thanks much, Ulrich, and to you as well !!
8 months ago

Anton Cruz Carro said:

Wow ! A nice trail in the woods that makes you want to follow it. Best wishes, Anton.
8 months ago

Frank J Casella replied to Anton Cruz Carro:

Indeed, Anton, thank you much!
8 months ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

Nice composition and amazing light!
HFF and a good weekend.
8 months ago

Frank J Casella replied to Roger (Grisly):

Thank you, Roger, and you as well.
8 months ago

gezginruh said:

Great light and very nice composition!
HFF and have a great weekend!

Best wishes
8 months ago

Frank J Casella replied to gezginruh:

Thank you Füsun
8 months ago

Ecobird said:

A super shot Frank
Love the autumnal colours
HFF and have a lovely weekend
8 months ago

Frank J Casella replied to Ecobird:

Thanks Carol .. and to you as well!
8 months ago

Christa1004 said:

It makes you want to enter the picture and follow the path... HFF Frank.
8 months ago

Frank J Casella replied to Christa1004:

Yes, indeed, Christa, well said ... thank you!
8 months ago

Gudrun said:

The epitome of autumn! Belated hFFand a good weekend.
8 months ago ( translate )