
On The Bay

Lavallette, NJ
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Christa1004 said:

When I see this beautiful picture, I would like to enter and follow the path along the water...
11 months ago

Ed Letts replied to Christa1004:

Fortunately I did walk along that path :)
11 months ago

Annemarie said:

nice image

Happy Tuesday!
11 months ago ( translate )

Ed Letts replied to Annemarie:

11 months ago

Keith Burton said:

A very nicely captured image..............a lovely sky and some great foreground interest from the fence and rocks.
11 months ago

Marek Ewjan Stachows… said:

pleasant view & interesting shot → attractive picture
have a good weekend, Ed !
9 months ago

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Belle sérénité !*************
8 months ago ( translate )