
<no title>

Almost done... The molding for the edges of the room and the transition between the new floor and the tile in the next room won't be here until next week; and i still need to (decide on a color and) paint the windowsills. And put up some sort of window covering.

Also, when I did the math for the new floor I was planning to tile the closet and the little hallway on the other side of the grey stripey wall; but that was months ago, and once I started installing the floor I decided it would look better and be less efforty to just use the bamboo for everything.

And so, instead of having a box and a half or so of leftovers, I ended up being about 3/4 of a box short....


Will pick up another box first thing tomorrow; but I can still (finally!) move my bed and things back in and actually sleep in my bedroom tonight. :D
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