
DSC01123 inPixio

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Makrofan said:

Sehr schöne Aufnahme!
6 months ago ( translate )

Typo93 said:

A superb series, Cheryl !
6 months ago ( translate )

aNNa schramm said:

WOW **************
6 months ago ( translate )

Syborgh said:

Oh what a beauty
6 months ago

Christian C said:

Excellente série !
6 months ago ( translate )

Annemarie said:

a most beautiful image cherryl
6 months ago ( translate )

Don Sutherland said:

Fantastic photo.
5 months ago ( translate )

Diane Putnam said:

My eyesight is so bad, now that for a minute I had to search for clues. I couldn't get my bearings and this seemed so abstract! Then, it finally clicked when I located the eye!
3 months ago