
Heroes and Villains (PiPs x 2)

Pictured at Birnbeck, Weston Super Mare both the wall and 'window' have suffered the ravages of time. The 'logo' on the top of the window is that of the Secret Society of Super Villain Artists. Little is known about the society but it appears to have been started by a street artist using the name Silent Bill inadvertently when he put the logo online some years ago, along with an application form and was inundated with responses. It is said that it a society looks on itself as a family. It holds events and the artists support each other. They also give back to society by supporting charities such as animal welfare, foodbanks and the homeless and raises awareness of injustice in society, often donating their work for the good of those who could not afford to buy it.

Beside the face on the bottom panel you can see the words 'I Love Her'. Well someone loved her enough to bring her a hot drink on a cold day it would seem!!

I guess that makes them modern day heroes so I have added a track by the Beach Boys called

Heroes and Villains


and seeing that the anonymous person clearly loves her I am also adding 'And I Love Her'

by the Beatles

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Ecobird said:

DSC01448 edited-1
5 months ago ( translate )

Ecobird said:

DSC01450 edited-1
5 months ago ( translate )

Amelia said:

Very interesting wall, showing texture and decay.
5 months ago

Diana Australis said:

This is such an interesting mix of textures, shapes, social commentary and decay. It really does have so many messages, Carol. The discarded coffee cup adds another chapter to the tale.
Have a lovely day, Carol.
5 months ago

William Sutherland said:

Excellent series! HWW!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
5 months ago ( translate )

Joe, Son of the Rock said:

I love the contrast in textures and colours between wood and brick, Carol. All the best, Joe
5 months ago

tiabunna said:

A colourful wall with interesting textures. I enjoyed reading your explanatory notes and listening to the links too, Carol. HWW.
5 months ago

LotharW said:

Eine schöne Serie, sogar der Kaffeebecher passt hier. HWW und komm gut durch die zweite Wochenhälfte, Carol!
5 months ago ( translate )

uwschu said:

hWW Carol, schöne Restwoche für dich
5 months ago ( translate )

Loose_Grip/Pete said:

An interesting couple of images. Perfect for this group.
HWW Carol
5 months ago

Schussentäler said:

Very nicely seen and explained with information. Thanks for that
5 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

UMPECCABLE et agréablement partagée avec ces superbes notes très évocatrices.
Bonne et heureuse journée.
5 months ago ( translate )

Jean-Paul said:

Fine series that shows us how creatively one and the same theme can be shown.
5 months ago

Annemarie said:

like the pip also

Wish you a sunny Wednesday!
5 months ago

Dominique Sarrazin said:

C"est une belle découverte, chez nous les artistes se retrouvent dans une association créée par Michel Collucci " Coluche " les Restaurants du coeur " les motifs de son existence multiforme sont malheureusement simples, la précarité, la faim, la misère. Bonne continuation Carol
5 months ago ( translate )