
Moss and the Green Man (PiPs)

Captured at Achray Forest and this moss covered fence caught my attention. Just around the corner in the top of the picture I turned to take another look as we were going back to the car and made a discovery. As you can see in the PiPs this is clearly what skiers do when there is no snow - they head for the forest:-)))))))).

A strange sight indeed. The Green Man is a figure of folk culture and is a symbol of nature, spring and rebirth

I have added a song called 'The Green Man' by Martin Donnelly


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Ecobird said:

6 months ago ( translate )

Ecobird said:

6 months ago ( translate )

Christa1004 said:

This is extraordinary. Look, lt reminds me my witch tree... HFF Carol.
6 months ago

William Sutherland said:

Excellent trio! HFF!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
6 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Remarquable et excellemment partagée 'Une série vraiment intéressante.
HFF et Bonne et agréable fin de semaine paisible .
6 months ago ( translate )

Pam J said:


6 months ago

Mario Vargas said:

I love the perspective with the curved fence and the curved leading lines of the road, that fence worn out because the weather adds tons of testures
The discover of the green man is magic and their shot superbe, HFF Carol
6 months ago

LotharW said:

Wie er dazu auffordert langsam zu fahren ist ja klasse.HFF, Carol. Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes und sonniges Wochenende! Bleib gesund.
6 months ago ( translate )

Joe, Son of the Rock said:

A fine example of anthropomorphism in the PiP, Carol. Have a great weekend. All the best, Joe
6 months ago

uwschu said:

GFF Carol, schönes Wochenende wünsche ich Dir
6 months ago ( translate )

Max Biobauer said:

Er sucht eine Mitfahtgelegenheit. HFF
6 months ago ( translate )

gezginruh said:

Superb pictures,Carol! The green man is really great!
HFF and have a wonderful weekend!

Best wishes
6 months ago

Kawasirius said:

Joli titre pour décrire ce paysage *****
La route donne une charmante perspective avec la lisière de la forêt !
Bonne fin de semaine, Carol ! HFF !
6 months ago ( translate )

@ngélique ❤️ said:

Magnifiques arbres mon amie********************HFF et bon we !
6 months ago ( translate )

Erika+Manfred said:

HFF, have a nice weekend
6 months ago ( translate )