
Empty Beach Benches

Captured at Talmine, Melness, Sutherland, another of Scotland's hidden gems and another empty beach!

I have added a 'chill-out' track to go with this peaceful scene

'Empty Beach' by Coco


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Jaap van 't Veen said:

Beautiful coastal scene; well captured Carol.
Happy BM and a peaceful week ahead.
21 months ago ( translate )

malona said:

Love the serenity of this landscape. HBM!
21 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Une prise de vue fascinante et admirablement partagée avec cette magnifique ambiance reposante et apaisante.
HBM et agréable semaine salutaire.
21 months ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

A beautiful bay and a lovely capture with excellent composition, once again from the far north.
HBM and a great week.
A large view really is a must!
21 months ago

Annemarie said:


wish you a serene time ahead:)
21 months ago

Karl Hartwig Schütz said:

Ein Traumort! HBM Dir
21 months ago ( translate )

tiabunna said:

A beautiful scene and image, Carol. HBM and have a good week.
21 months ago

Makrofan said:

Ein schöner Platz zu verweilen!
21 months ago ( translate )

Walter 7.8.1956 said:

Einen guten Start in die neue Woche Carol!!
HFF !!!!!
21 months ago ( translate )

Fred Fouarge said:

(Hbm) Carol mooie opname
21 months ago ( translate )

Günter Klaus said:

Deine schönen Landschaftsaufnahmen schaue ich mir immer genr an liebe Carol,sehr schön ist es an diesen Ort,schön kann man da alles genießen :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
21 months ago ( translate )

Mario Vargas said:

beautiful place with a perfect compo
21 months ago

Christa1004 said:

The residents of the house on the left must have a great view. HBM Carol.
21 months ago

Amelia said:

A lovely wide angle view of this beautiful and deserted area. Scotland is always in my heart.
HBM, Carol.
21 months ago

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

I can see from your gallery that Scotland has many hidden gems Carol!
This is beautifully captured and I would love to sit there!
HBM and a good new week.
21 months ago