

Hasselblad 907X-50C / XV / CFE 2,8/80
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Diana Australis said:

What a fantastic door. Great picture Volker
17 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Imprenable...Bien vu et bien rendue.
Bon week-end.
17 months ago ( translate )

Pics-UM said:

Schön in Szene gesetzt. Gruß Uwe
17 months ago ( translate )

Keith Burton said:

A superb "detail" shot Volker..........I like the old wooden door and the decayed and crumbling plaster on the wall of the building.
17 months ago

Annemarie said:

....N 4!
17 months ago ( translate )

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Un peu d'huile de coudes et tout renaitra !
17 months ago ( translate )

Dinesh said:

An eternal charm seems to emanate from these places forgotten by the time.
May be the Photography refines senses and gives the ability to see the world through new eyes.
15 months ago

Volker Schwarz said:

15 months ago