
Ruínas Romanas de Milreu, Square format

Opulenta villa do Império Romano ocupada durante a Antiguidade tardia e os primeiros tempos de domínio do Islão. Nos inícios do século IV era uma luxuosa residência senhorial, termas, lagares de azeite e de vinho e instalações agrícolas, revelador do estilo de vida de uma família de elevado estatuto social e político. Integra este conjunto um templo cristianizado no século VI e usado como cemitério no período islâmico até ao século X, que se mantém conservado até ao arranque das abóbadas Entre os achados arqueológicos encontram-se mosaicos de temática predominantemente marinha, mármores e cerâmicas diversas, estuques pintados e esculturas que decoravam os interiores e os jardins.


Opulente villa de l'Empire romain occupée durant l'antiquité tardive et les premiers temps de la domination de l'Islam. Au début du IVe siècle, il s'agissait d'un manoir luxueux, d'un spa, de pressoirs à huile d'olive et à vin et d'installations agricoles, révélant le mode de vie d'une famille au statut social et politique élevé. Ce complexe comprend un temple christianisé au VIe siècle et utilisé comme cimetière pendant la période islamique jusqu'au Xe siècle, qui a été conservé jusqu'à ce que les voûtes soient démolies. Les découvertes archéologiques comprennent des mosaïques à thème principalement marin, des marbres et diverses céramiques, des stucs peints et des sculptures qui décoraient les intérieurs et les jardins.

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Opulent villa of the Roman Empire occupied during the late antiquity and the first times of the dominion of Islam. At the beginning of the 4th century it was a luxurious manor house, spa, olive oil and wine presses and agricultural facilities, revealing the lifestyle of a family of high social and political status. This complex includes a temple which was Christianised in the 6th century and used as a cemetery during the Islamic period until the 10th century, which has been preserved until the vaults were torn down. Archaeological finds include mosaics with a predominantly marine theme, marbles and various ceramics, painted stucco and sculptures which decorated the interiors and gardens.

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MaggsMep said:

Lovely take on the theme and unbelievably pristine for its age Jean Pierre.
14 months ago

Wierd Folkersma said:

lovely pattern Jean Pierre
14 months ago

Xata said:

Milréu, um tesouro com ainda muito por recuperar. Gosto da tua foto!
14 months ago ( translate )

Gillian Everett said:

A design lasting through many years, interesting history, and great in the square, JP
14 months ago

Eunice Perkins said:

Great entry ....squares within a square!!
14 months ago ( translate )

Annemarie said:

wonderful this !

Happy new week
14 months ago