

21-D. The one (and only, alas) good thing that will come out of the Catalan Christmas Panto is that the PP (Partido Popular) is going to bite the dust something chronic in Catalonia, so Mariano Rajoy's gonna get a whole load of egg on his ugly face. That would make it almost two good things, except for the fact that Santa Inés "I Never Flap" Arrimadas and her merry Ciutadans will take the space vacated by the PP and that premier league charlie, Carles "I Heard The Call" Puigdemon and his Pujoclonic pals. Nature abhors a vacuum, they say. Nature sucks. Me, given half a choice, I'd plum for plump Miquel "I Can Rumba" Iceta, so desperate is the situation. Call me shallow but I think a gay president would be kinda cool, don't you?
A small thought on Santa Inés Arrimada al Culo del Diablo: disregarding the obvious gaps in sex, appearance and other circumstantial evidence, she so reminds me of Donald "the Pussygrabber" Trump. Confident, articulate, unflustered, says lots of things that are superficially true and, if you don't dig too deeply, sensible, even appealing. But read the Ciutadans manifesto... The moment this lot is in power down will come, like two tons of hard-baked bricks, Uber, Amazon, Verizon, the TTIP, the traditional corruption and the trilingual indoctrination, so that future generations of Catalans will be able to provide blowjobs in English.
As Goya said, me old muckers: El sueńo de la razón produce monstruos. The sleep of reason begets monsters. Ay que dolor...
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╰☆☆June☆☆╮ said:

Thank you for helping to create awareness of breast cancer and testicular cancer.
It's all in your hands...
6 years ago

╰☆☆June☆☆╮ said:

Thank you for sharing your exceptional creation with us,
here in ✴ Digital Dreams ✴
6 years ago

dolores666 replied to ╰☆☆June☆☆╮:

Thanks June.
6 years ago

William Sutherland said:

Excellent cartoon. Could also resemble politics here in the USA between the Dems and Reps.

Admired in:
6 years ago

dolores666 replied to William Sutherland:

Indeed. Like the Italians say, Tutto il mondo è paese = The whole world is a village. The wonders of globalization, no doubt...:-)
Thank you William. Have a spiffing Solstice!
6 years ago