
hin[22] / B&M - comma

A Comma butterfly [Polygonia c-album] resting on leaves. S/he didn't stay long in any one place !
also known as 'anglewing' from the conspicuous notches on the forewings.
Strong fliers, although not actually migratory they do move around, which helps diversity ...
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StoneRoad2013 said:

May be sitting on common stinging nettle, a favoured food plant for the larval stages.
5 months ago

Don Sutherland said:

Fabulous capture of the butterfly.
5 months ago

Jean Paul Capdeville said:

Superbe. Je n'ai jamais vu le même
5 months ago ( translate )

Diane Putnam said:

Wow, spectacular! That does indeed look like stinging nettle - and least the western US version.
3 months ago