
Contingency of Wealth Production

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Dinesh said:

. . . .in capitalism, such an ‘Aufhebung’ [ "to lift up", "to abolish", "cancel" or "suspend",] already takes place; a capitalist is not motivated in his self-reproduction by a struggle for survival. As Marx saw clearly (see the Hegelian reference to his description of the circulation of capital), in its self-reproduction, “Capital” behaves like a Hegelian Idea, the purpose of its reproduction is not the survival of workers but its own expanded reproduction (measured by growing profit). Which is why the critique of capitalism as a system of egotism totally misses the point: a true capitalist is not a hedonist, he or she can even live a very ascetic life, sacrificing everything, all his or her pleasure, for the smooth functioning of the reproduction of capital. We should thus, as Hegel and Marx did long ago, distinguish between two “natures,” the immediate “natural nature” (biological life) and the “second nature,” a social product which acquires a fake autonomy and dominates individuals as their fate. . . . . . Even if capitalism occasionally throws millions into poverty, its logic is not that of a “poor life” but of a life which generates poverty as the other side of its production of excessive wealth. ` Page 58/59

Hegel in a Wired Brain
18 months ago

J.Garcia said:

18 months ago