
Nederland - Ootmarsum, H.H. Simon en Judaskerk

The H.H. Simon en Judaskerk (H.H. Simon and Jude Church) is a Roman Catholic, dedicated to the Apostles Simon and Jude Thaddaeus. The church is the only example in Westphalian Romanogothic style in The Netherlands. Although already mentioned in 1162, it largely dates from the 13th century.

During my visits to Ootmarsum, I had seen the church several times. This time I was also able to take a look at the interior. It made an overwhelming impression from the moment I stepped inside. Due to a concert about to start, it was very busy with people in the church and taking (good) photos was almost impossible. Hence just a few pictures of the interior/the beautiful main altar in the choir.
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Kawasirius said:

De belles captures bien présentée malgré les contraintes liées au concert ! Magnifique partage sur cette somptueuse église !
Bonne semaine, Jaap !
16 months ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 said:

Great series of this gorgeous church interior!
Have a nice new week****
16 months ago

Annemarie said:

beautiful image, Happy week!
16 months ago

Joe, Son of the Rock said:

A stunning interior shot. I hope you have a great new week. Cheers, Joe
16 months ago

Patrick Brandy said:

excellent cette prise de vue merci pour l'info bonne journée.
16 months ago ( translate )

Madeleine Defawes said:

Superbe intérieur bien capté !
Bonne semaine. Amitiés
16 months ago ( translate )

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

Splendid interior shots Jaap and beautiful, well placed PiPs.
Wishing you a good and peaceful new week.
16 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Admirable et excellente capture joliment partagée et bien informée.
Bonne et agréable semaine à venir pour
16 months ago ( translate )

Ulrich John said:

Fantastic interior shot, Jaap !
16 months ago ( translate )

Andrea Ertl said:

Schöne Fenster.
Ich wünsche dir eine sonnige Woche.
16 months ago ( translate )

Percy Schramm said:

Great capture - and really a fantastic looking interior. Wish you a nice week ahead, Jaap !
16 months ago

J.Garcia said:

Superb interior image and details!
Great information too, Jaap!
16 months ago ( translate )

Günter Klaus said:

Sehr schöne Eindrücke zeigst du vom Innenraum dieser schönen Kirche lieber Jaap :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
16 months ago ( translate )

Rainer Blankermann said:

Beautiful interior shots!
Have a sunny new week!
16 months ago

RHH said:

Gorgeous church and beautiful photos, Jaap.
16 months ago