
There are two flowers here starting to grow

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Janet Brien said:

Very nice, Jenny! I love to capture buds like this, they are so interesting to look at!

I loved reading your response to my early-rising blog, so glad you enjoyed my post! It was neat to see your views. How nice it is to be retired so you can stay up late and not worry about being exhausted the morning. I am sure you were just like me...pushing it as far as you can go before you go to bed, waking up feeling like you were dragged around behind a truck all night...ugh! So nice to be able to sleep as long as you like now! :)

Gosh, how I wish you lived in a spot that wasn't so steep...I wish that I could make your world more accessible. But when you go to live with your daughter, I bet that it will all change for you! It will be nice for you to be able to just bumble about and have a lovely time!

Thank you for your compliments on my knife pictures, they were fun to photograph! :)
And also for my daisy, wasp and panorama pictures too...it IS fun when we have the same flowers, isn't it?! :D I love lawn daisies because they are so COMMON and like, who cares, right? But boy oh BOY do they make a fine macro! :) Glad you enjoyed the images, it's such fun to show them to you, Jenny! :)
5 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Janet Brien:

When I was younger, I brought up my children on my own from their ages of 5 and 6. So it was very hard, and as money was rather tight, I worked 3 jobs at one time. With a Solicitor in the mornings, an Academy for International Students in the afternoon and in a hospital in the evenings!!! I also had foreign students staying with me (I was a family for the students) so you see I was rather busy, so now not having to go to work, nor have other people I have to look after is fantastic. I did that for almost 20 years then just worked full time for Chartered Surveyors once my children had left school. They were still living at home, but they were able to help towards the bills. So you see, I appreciate being able to do what I want, when I want and how I want to do it!!!

Yes when I go to Turkey - Mandi's home is on the flat, so I can just walk around to the beach, I have a rollator which will help me get there.
5 years ago