
A ''Happy fence Friday'' to everyone..... from Dj.....

A 'mono' treatment from 2018,..''Magpie Mine'' is a preserved disused lead mine near the village of Sheldon in Derbyshire, the free to walk about area of five lead mines [but all shafts are sealed],. is a protected Monument.
Derbyshire has a history of industrial lead mining going back to Roman times and lead mining at this site goes back to at least the 17th century. Magpie Mine is recorded back to 1740, after over 200 years of operation, which closed in 1958 and was the last working lead mine in Derbyshire.
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Christa1004 said:

I didn't know that lead mining goes back to Roman times, interesting description. HFF David.
8 months ago

David G Johnson replied to Christa1004:

Thanks for comment Christa'... a ''HFF'' to you - and a ''Good weekend'' too - from Dj..UK.
8 months ago

GrahamH said:

The fence appears to need a little preservation too. HFF David.
8 months ago

David G Johnson replied to GrahamH:

Gotcha Graham,, yes,.. the 'leaning against the wall' type,...A ''HFF'' to you - and Cheers'.. from Dj.
8 months ago

Dinesh said:

Interesting info

This site www2.bgs.ac.uk/mendips/minerals/Mins_Mines_2.htm#:~:text=However%2C%20it%20wasn't%20until,region%2C%20one%20dated%20AD%2049. says lead mining was going in Britain by Romans arounf 49 AD

<b<HFF / best wishes

PS High-born Romans sipped beverages cooked in lead vessels and channeled spring water into their homes through lead pipes (pictured). Some historians argue that lead poisoning plagued the Roman elite with diseases such as gout and hastened the empire's fall. ~ Source, - Internet search
8 months ago

David G Johnson replied to Dinesh:

Thanks for the link - Dinesh,.. it's very interesting to learn these things,.. a ''HFF'' to you - and 'Good wishes' too - from > Dj.
8 months ago

Dimas Sequeira said:

Interesting site of industrial archaeological remains! HFF, David!
8 months ago ( translate )

David G Johnson replied to Dimas Sequeira:

Have a HFF Dimas,... keep well - and Cheers'' from David J.
8 months ago

LotharW said:

HFF, David und ein schönes Wochenende!
8 months ago ( translate )

David G Johnson replied to LotharW:

Thanks Lothar'.... a ''Good weekend'' to you too - and a ''HFF'' from > Dj.
8 months ago

Annemarie said:

a beautiful image!

Happy Friday and coming weekend!
8 months ago

Jocelyne Villoing said:

HFF David, merci pour les informations de ces vestiges, un endroit qui mérite bien cette cette image !
8 months ago ( translate )

David Slater (Spodde… said:

An interesting piece of industrial heritage David. Looks in good condition. HFF and best wishes for the weekend.
8 months ago

Kayleigh said:

Happy Weekend Dj :-)
8 months ago ( translate )

Xata said:

HFF David, bw suits well
8 months ago ( translate )