
Belém Tower

Belém Tower is a 16th-century fortification in Lisbon that served as a point of embarkation and disembarkation for Portuguese explorers .It was built during the height of the Portuguese Renaissance, and is a prominent example of the Portuguese Manueline style. ( Wikipedia)
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Stephan Fey said:

HFF, Adele! Quite some action on the pathway!
21 months ago

Steve Paxton said:

Stunning building and a great walk way. HFF all the very best for your weekend.
21 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Une remarquable et excellente capture joliment partagée.
HFF et agréable fin de semaine.
21 months ago ( translate )

Boro said:

Excellente !!!
21 months ago ( translate )

José Manuel Polo said:

Muy bien tomada la torre de Belem, luz, color, nitidez y buen encuadre... los turistas aquí curiosamente no molestan a la foto y creo que le dan más vida.
HFF y buen fin de semana, amiga Adele.
21 months ago ( translate )

Christa1004 said:

It looks more than a simple tower, it's quite remarkable. HFF Adele.
21 months ago ( translate )

Andy Rodker said:

I see it survived the infamous earthquake a couple of hundred years later! Good job it did as it's a magnificent sight. Fine shot, Adele!
21 months ago

Pam J said:

21 months ago

William Sutherland said:

Awesome capture! HFF! Stay well!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
21 months ago

Falk Preusche said:

HFF, Adele!
21 months ago ( translate )

Loose_Grip/Pete said:

HFF & have a great w/e.
21 months ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Beautiful composition; taken with a well chosen low pov.
Happy FF and enjoy your weekend.
21 months ago

Max Biobauer said:

Alle wollen hinein, vermutlich gibt's da was umsonst. ;-) HFF
21 months ago ( translate )

Gudrun said:

A perfect composition with both the walkway and the sea leading the eye towards the tower. hFF and a good weekend!
21 months ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

A beautiful tower and a delightful composition make for a superb image, Adele,
Wish you HFF and a good weekend.
21 months ago