
HFF Everyone. 2nd Canal de Isabel II main water deposit, 1879.

The water company, Canal de Isabel II, had to keep up with Madrid's expanding population and water needs and constructed reservoirs (in the Mountains of Madrid), canals and aqueducts throught the 19th century. The first main deposit was amost in the centre of the city and opened in 1858. This is the second and the third was opened in 1905 (I have posted shots of its water tower). Since the 1950s, the water system has expanded exponentially. Deposits I, II and III have long been defunct. This is being transformed into a park and could open soon, Covid-19 permitting.
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Joe, Son of the Rock said:

I love the warm colours in the wall and the building. All the best, Joe
3 years ago

Andy Rodker said:

Thank you, Joe. I saw it for the first time this week. In the 10 years or so that I have occasionally walked past here, it had been covered up while a long term restoration project was carried out. I imagine that work stalled from time to time (recession 2010-2012, austerity up to about 2016, a mini-recession 2018-19 and now ...!).
Whether the new park opens in the forseeable future, who can tell? I really hope so!
3 years ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

Lovely dappled light very nice colours Andy
HFF and a lovely weekend.
3 years ago

Andy Rodker replied to Roger (Grisly):

Many thanks, Roger, and the same to you!
3 years ago

Peter Castell said:

The demand for water continues to grow world wide, 10 years is a long time I hope the park is worth the wait, HFF Andy I hope that your weekend is a nice one
3 years ago

Andy Rodker replied to Peter Castell:

Maybe something for future generations to enjoy, Peter!
Have a good weekend yourself.
3 years ago

David G Johnson said:

Andy !!.......... have a good weekend.. ''HFF'' and keep good... or else !!
Cheers from Dj.
3 years ago ( translate )

Andy Rodker replied to David G Johnson:

Blimey! The 'all else' means you have a hit squad at the ready to punnish infringements?
3 years ago

Ste said:

Hello Andy a lovely shot and interesting history too

Wishing you an HFF and hope you have a good and safe weekend

Best wishes ... Steve
3 years ago

Andy Rodker replied to Ste:

Please you like it, Steve.
Best wishes,
3 years ago ( translate )

Ecobird said:

Beautiful light and I love the earthy tones Andy. Well captured. It will be good that it will be to good use again.

HFF and have a good weekend
3 years ago

Andy Rodker replied to Ecobird:

Thank you. Carol! I hope so too! Best wishes, Andy
3 years ago

Jean said:

Beautiful light and warm colour. Nice to hear it is to be a park. Good that they are persisiting through all the difficulties even if slowly.
3 years ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

It looks a nice building - but if it's no longer being used properly - a transfer into a park sounds a good idea.
3 years ago

Andy Rodker said:

Thank you both.
But the transformation may stall again for a long time time, although I hope not!
3 years ago