
Disembodied Legs

“You're not allowed to have legs and not use them.
― Dianna Hardy

Disembodied legs protruding from an automobile transmission - advertising an automotive repair shop, in Central Point, Oregon.
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Peggy C said:

In Florida, to advertise an area Flight Attraction, there was an old plane beside the Interstate (on private property) which had a 'pilot' hanging out a door !
All of us who lived around there knew it was just advertising ---- but, the tourists did not.
After too many calls, the plane (and dangling pilot) were removed.
How many called to report a ''plane crash next to the Interstate with pilot hanging out'' -- never knew !

This photo of memories was discovered: In EXPLORE ....
6 years ago

MiguelATF replied to Peggy C:

Cool story, Peggy.

There also used to be quite a few fake legs sticking out of the backs of cars with "Baby on Board" stickers...that was quite the rage ;)
6 years ago