
Along the Colorado River

Taken along the Potash Road which follows the Colorado River west of Moab, Utah.
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Jaap van 't Veen said:

Beautiful composition of such a stunning landscape.
5 months ago

©UdoSm said:

Oh great, very special rock formations in the PicinPic...
5 months ago

Anton Cruz Carro said:

I like that play of light on the arid rocks and the shadowed foreground. Best regards, Anton.
5 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Une prise de vue vraiment ravissante et admirablement partagée.
Bonne et heureuse fin de soirée salutaire.
5 months ago ( translate )

Don Sutherland said:

Very beautiful.
5 months ago ( translate )

Jocelyne Villoing said:

C'est vraiment magnifique toute cette verdure qui se faufile au milieu des roches !************
5 months ago ( translate )

Annemarie said:

beautiful beautiful both

Wish you a nice day!
5 months ago

tiabunna said:

A great landscape with the rocky background and the river and vegetation in the foreground.
5 months ago

Schussentäler said:

in sehr schönem Licht fotografiert
5 months ago ( translate )