
Don't step out the door.

Figgjo abandoned swimsuit factory
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TOZ said:

Great Image Amelia perfect for CWP.
Have a great week.
19 months ago

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

Looks like it may be quite a drop Amelia. I was thinking, don't step inside! :-)
A great shot though Amelia. Have a nice new week.
19 months ago

Amelia replied to Rosalyn Hilborne:

This certainly was a dangerous place to go into, and would have high fences and danger signs all around if this was in the UK. The site was easy to access, all 3 floors of it, and yet there was little sign of graffiti. Perhaps the tag artists were too afraid to go in. I was with a trustworthy Norwegian gentleman who carried a torch, and didn't let me out of his sight. :-))
19 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Remarquable et excellemment rendue sous cet angle.
Bonne et agréable semaine.
19 months ago ( translate )

Patrick Brandy said:

Il ne reste que les ruines bel angle de prise de vue bonne journée.
19 months ago ( translate )

Edna Edenkoben said:

I'm totally thrilled about visiting and photographing abandoned places. Great capture, Amelia!
19 months ago

Joe, Son of the Rock said:

I love the perspective. I love also the balance between the interior and exterior light. I hope you have a great new week, Amelia. Cheers, Joe
19 months ago

Nick Weall said:

I wonder why the company went bust ?
19 months ago

Doug Shepherd said:

Super composition with excellent perspective Amelia!
19 months ago ( translate )

Mario Vargas said:

love this oldies, nice shot
19 months ago

Fotofan said:

super, lost places
19 months ago ( translate )

Keith Burton said:

A great example of urban decay Amelia...............these places are great to explore if you can do it safely.

I like the way you've composed the shot.........and your exposure is spot on for both the interior and exterior views.
19 months ago

Ulrich John said:

Fantasticly composed, Amelia !
19 months ago ( translate )

Andy Rodker said:

The skill of the photographer has suggested a slight, but attractive nonetheless, spookiness!
19 months ago

photosofghosts said:

A splendid care of the exposure, outdoor and indoor, too. Great perspective, great shot !
All the best
19 months ago