
Awwwww... how I love those mild summer nights! I am so grateful for the place I live in! On nights like this, where we still had 68F/20 Celsius at midnight, I like to step out on the terrace, prefererrably just wearing underwear, sometimes my bathrobe, and look into the nightsky with its gazillions of bright stars, sometimes complemented by the moon. Tonight is such a night: It's incredibly warm, I just returned from the open-air cinema, where I met a friend and we watched No country for old men together. I stand there, it's all quiet, there is a soft summer breeze, there is just the faintest hush of the highway in the distance, other than that it's perfectly quiet. I rest, I breathe, slowly, consciously and marvel at the shere immensity of the universe above and around me. Could it only stay summer year round - I'd have nothing to ever complain about...

But then, there are still those other moments, when I feel unworthy, small, intimidated, insignificant. And there's rage, incredible amounts of rage, rage that scares the shit out of myself. If the proverbial fairy offered me a wish, I'd know it right away: Peace, nothing but peace... give me that, and I'll be fine. Alas - with a little more luck, I might even find that. It's all about the homecoming, and I am sensing it to be close - in one or the other way.