Oh dear it's that time of year again!!!!!
I opened the back door this morning to hear something walking across my porch roof - it was a baby seagull. There wasn't anyone last year because the neighbours had erected this amazing net over the chimneys to stop the seagulls nesting there. Well they were absolutely determined to have a nest there - they've been doing it for over 60 years that I know of. Well Mum, or Dad, must have become aware that I was there, because one of them came down immediately to be near the baby. I must admit it's the youngest I've seen. Apparently there are two more still up in the nest!!!

This was the view looking up through my kitchen window - apologies for the condition of the glass, but the seagulls have dirtied it again since the last window clean.

This afternoon I made a few more pendants...(surprise surprise!!). I was also watching the Tour de France at the same time!! I'm a mistress of many talents!!

Oh well at least it kept me happy and occupied. I've noticed that I didn't manage to clear all the bubbles, so I'll keep an eye out for them next time. I wish you all a wonderful weekend - it's warm here!!! Hey hey - it's 24C with a completely clear blue sky - wonderful.


Gracie said:

I love the birds. Not the mess they bring though. Still its always fun to watch them. I have a birdbath in the garden because I love watching them play.
I don't see any bubbles. They look fine to me. And pretty as always
22 months ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Gracie:

I love the little things too Gracie - although I have to pretend I'm just as annoyed with them as my neighbour. She doesn't like having them around because they tend to dive bomb her, in her garden etc. Whereas they don't do it to me!! Seagulls are protected birds so nothing can be done about them.

I'm happy that you like the jewellry.
22 months ago

Bee Orchid said:

Pretty pendants as always.

Oh dear, I hope they don't make too much mess.
22 months ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Bee Orchid:

Thanks Fran. Oh they've already made a lot of mess - the young seagulll hasn't got anywhere to do his business and my porch roof is plastic and so you can see everything up there, and of course it's walking about all over it - yuck!!!! When it's gone, I'll see if I can get Emily to put the hose over it. She didn't mind the last time.
22 months ago

Valfal said:

Hi Jenny, it's amazing how these birds will come back to the same nest generation after generation! Your pendants are beautiful, too!
22 months ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Valfal:

Yes that's true - We've lived in this house since 1959 and even then the seagulls were nesting on the roof!!!!

Thanks for the great compliment re the pendants. I tend to make a few most days!!!!
22 months ago