I've lost my wonderful Pippin....
Last week I noticed Pippin was behaving strangely - not able to jump up and his back legs were a bit "odd". I felt along his spine and around his back legs, but he didn't object nor flinch and he purred when I stroked him. Well over the week, he lost the use of his back legs completely. He would walk on his two front legs and drag his back legs etc behind him. Now he wasn't a small cat so there was a lot of body to drag around.

I realised that there was something really wrong with him by this time and I rang the vet. They said it sounded as if he'd had a stroke or something and it would need an MRI to confirm etc. They asked if I had vet insurance, I didn't, and that's when they informed me that for an MRI it would be around £1,000 with everything else!!!! Now you know I've got heart failure anyway - to hear those costs nearly gave me a heart attack. I just don't have that kind of money, and they thought it might be necessary to euthanise him anyway, which would be another £112 !!!! So I said that I'd take him up to the surgery and they could let me know what to do.

As you can imagine - it's been an awful week, watching Pippin struggle and knowing I was probably going to lose him anyway. He's been my constant companion for 14 years and I just couldn't imagine him not being here with me. Okay he didn't like having his picture taken, he didn't like being cuddled much, certainly not to hold him! But he showed his love by walking across the computer board and lying on it to have a stroke and then a brush.

Emily very kindly took me up to to the veterinary and a lovely vet came over to me and took Pippin in his carry box to the consulting room. She examined Pip and said that he'd had a spinal injury and it was so bad that it was the kindest thing to do, to put him out of his misery! Apparently he'd either fallen badly or had something fall ontop of him, but he never complained or anything. I had no idea. I feel so cruel that he'd been hurt and I didn't do anything about it until it was too late. The vet was so wonderfully kind and gentle. She was stoking Pip and I was kissing him while she put the anaesthetic in. It took just 3 seconds and he slipped away. I could hardly believe how quick it was. I'm really going to miss him so much. He's been my companion and even though he couldn't do much to help - it was just knowing that I wasn't alone in the house.

I brought him home and my neighbours, Peter and Anne, very kindly buried him in a little flower bed to the side of the house, so I'll be able to chat to him whenever I go out of the house.

Well my first trip out this year was to the vets - last year I left the house 4 times - 3 times to the hospital and the last time to the optician!!! I would really like to go out this year and go anywhere but a medical place!!!! Maybe the beach - now that would be heaven.

I'm sorry this has been a bit of a sad blog, I wasn't too sure whether I should write it, but you know how dear my feline friend was to me. I love this picture of him - caught unawares. I'm going to miss him so much.


StoneRoad2013 said:

Oh, No.
I am so very sorry to read this, My condolences, Jenny.
I know you loved him very much.
RIP Pippin.

Cats are such a wonderful part of our lives, but like so many companion animals, they have such short lives in comparison to their humans. I still miss all the various ones that have been gracious enough to spend some time with me ...
2 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to StoneRoad2013:

Thank you so much for your very kind reply. Yes cats make themselves an incredible part of your life. It is like losing a member of the family - over the years I've had many animals, but it doesn't hurt any less when they go.
2 years ago

Gracie said:

You know my heart aches for you my friend. Such a hard few weeks. Myself I am not as animal friendly as others. But I have become attached to our pets over the years. Plus I hate seeing anyone or animal suffer. So even though its not a huge part of me when we lost those pets it still hurt and I can empathize. I can only imagine how bad it is for you and Fran with her puppy. I know with Rick he has cried like a baby. My Amanda takes after him and does the same. I know what you told me in pm but the offer always stands for when you’re ready. Perhaps when you’re ready after some time you’ll have a new companion. Hugs xo
2 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Gracie:

You are so kind Gracie and a wonderful friend. I try not to cry, but I find myself getting a bit teary now and again, especially when I do some things for him, and then realise he's not here. When I make a sandwich, I always used to put a bit of butter on the edge of the plate for him, and a couple of times I've gone to do it and then I realise I don't do it anymore. It'll just take time. I'm thinking of going to be with Mandi and Dogan for a few weeks, and I don't have to worry about leaving a cat behind. Then when I come back - maybe a couple of older cats for company for each other and company for me too of course.
2 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

Oh Jenny I'm so sorry, and I know exactly how you feel. So sad that he was hurt so badly.
He was a beautiful cat, and I'm a dog person.
It was nice of your neighbours to bury him close by. I'm afraid that wasn't an option for me though he holds a place in my heart, as I'm sure Pippin does for you.
2 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Bee Orchid:

Yes I know you understand what I feel, Fran. I feel so sorry for you over losing your Ship's dog. Yes I have amazing neighbours, and I feel completely blessed. Pippin will certainly hold a big place in my heart, at least I think he's with his sister Tippi. Thanks sweetie, for being a good friend. x
2 years ago

Maeluk said:

Jenny I am so sorry to hear you have lost your Pippin. I know how it hurts, I have lost pets in the past. I hope you can manage to get out this Summer.
2 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Maeluk:

Thank you so much Steve, for these kind words. Yes I too have lost pets in the past, but each time seems like the first time, the loss seems as great. I would love to get out and about this summer, hopefully go and visit my daughter in Turkey, as long as the tension in the Russia and Ukraine ceases.
2 years ago

Venance Schoutens said:

Hoi Jenny,

Wat erg om te horen dat je je lieve kat nu moet missen.. Fijn dat hij nu een mooi plekje bij je in de tuin heeft. Het is zo'n moeilijk moment wanneer je ze moet los laten.. ik mis onze kat ook nog steeds enorm en soms denk ik gewoon dat ze er nog steeds is en verwacht ik haar ook te zien. Heel veel sterkte met je verdriet..
2 years ago ( translate )

Jenny McIntyre replied to Venance Schoutens:

Bedankt voor je vriendelijke woorden, Venance. Ja, het is goed dat hij op een plek is geplaatst waar ik langs ga als ik het huis verlaat - dan kan ik hem gedag zeggen. Een van mijn buren heeft een kat die precies op mijn Pepijn lijkt, en laatst zag ik hem in mijn tuin, het was echt heel griezelig zoals het was de dag nadat hij naar de dierenarts was geweest!!!! Het enige verschil is dat het een kleine meisjeskat is, maar van een afstand leek ze precies op Pepijn.
2 years ago ( translate )

Venance Schoutens said:

Jeetje dan schrik je wel als je een kat ziet die zo op Pippin lijkt.. Fijn om zo'n plekje in de tuin hebben waar je hem nog gedag kan zeggen. Wij hebben onze katten ook in de tuin begraven, fijn om ze toch nog een beetje dichtbij te hebben. Ik zag nu pas jou lief bericht op mijn gastenboek, dank je.
2 years ago ( translate )

Jenny McIntyre replied to Venance Schoutens:

Oh ik heb de kat niet echt gezien, het was mijn helper en ze kwam behoorlijk geschrokken naar binnen. Ze nam zo vriendelijk een foto van de kat, en ze had gelijk - hij leek precies op Pepijn. Blijkbaar zijn er nog twee andere katten die in het bloembed liggen, dus hij zal niet eenzaam zijn. Ik weet dat een van hen een kat van ons was, Roxy, maar ik weet niet wie de andere is - vergeet niet dat dit ons huis is sinds 1959!!!! We hebben hier zoveel katten gehad, mijn ouders hadden altijd minstens 4 katten tegelijk.
2 years ago ( translate )

Pat Del said:

Poor Pippin !
2 years ago ( translate )

Jenny McIntyre replied to Pat Del:

Oui, il me manque terriblement, Pat.
2 years ago ( translate )

Janet Brien said:

OH JENNY, I'm so sorry I didn't know that Pippin had left you...and now Mickey...I am so sad for you...I wish that I could give you a hug and my support in person. *sigh*...I just don't know what to say... :(
2 years ago