Crazy Busy ... and Gone

The photo is of the basement pit for a new home being dug a lot away from my house. You can see my pickups in the distance. Everywhere around here you see ads for "Call Before You Dig" and this contractor did just that. They painted lines for every utility in the area ... including my gas line to my house ... and even though it's on the wrong side of the fence for the digging .... I had a yellow line painted on my grass for it. The best I can tell the painting of the lines gave the digger a target to aim for and he successfully cut the power to the street lights for two blocks! I've been trying without success for over a week now to get them turned back on. About 2:AM Wednesday morning I'm sitting out on my porch swing while the girls are taking care of business and looking for rabbit trails in the yard ... and even though my Chevy 2500 HD is white ... you can just barely see it it's so dark out there! We go in and sleep until 7:00 AM and then I put the girls out again before breakfast. My Uncle passed away last week and I was planing on taking the day off and driving to southern Indiana to attend the funeral. I go outside to call the girls in and I notice ... my Chevy 2500 HD is no longer parked where I left it. It's gone! I call the police and get an officer out to take the report within an hour. We look where the truck parked and see a small pile of window glass laying there. Now that I have my police report ... I call my insurance agent to report it stolen and by the time this is done ... there is no way I can drive the two hours I need to drive and make it to the funeral in time. I go on into work, but with the stupidity going on there ... I probably should have stayed home! A few hours later I learn there was an attempted theft of a neighbor's truck a couple of blocks away. They smashed the window and tore the steering column apart and I was figuring my truck suffered the same fate! Sleeping was pretty difficult last night as a result! I could just see my truck in a vacant lot someplace stripped down to the bare bones! About 10:AM Thursday morning I get a call from IPD that they have found my truck and figuring the worst ... I have them tow it to the impound yard. I get there and look it over and the only damage I can see is the smashed driver's side window and the overhead cab light yanked out. I put the key in and it starts right up! I head back to work and wait until my daughter can give me a ride up there to get it. It puzzled me how they drove it off that way, but I came to the conclusion they towed it away. It was found with a car dealer's plate on it which I figure was stolen as well. Once I got the transmission linkage reconnected ... I drove on back to the house and put it into the garage. Then I took the Firebird back to my storage unit and brought the little Chevy home. I feel very lucky they found it as quick as they did and the damage was no more than it was. I've got repairs to make and a new truck plate to get to replace the stolen plate, but at least it's home again!


Shuttering Yukon said:

aww shit! what a horrible time! We have a few gangs of 'little bastards' here that break onto cars and steal everything in them, or the car.. the little effers carry bear spray so if they get chased they spray the owner. If I get my hands on one they will have a broken leg or 2.. if my dog bites well not my problem!
It sure makes you feel violated eh!
7 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to Shuttering Yukon:

Yes ... very much so! I was probably awake when they took it, but I didn't hear a thing. We catch one every once in a while, but are quite a few lowlifes in the big city!
7 years ago

Alan Mays said:

Oh no, what a mess! So sorry to hear about all of this. Hope the rest of your summer goes better!
7 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to Alan Mays:

Thanks Alan! I'm still waiting on the return of the street lights!
7 years ago

Clickity Click said:

Good grief what a thing to have to deal with ... So glad you got the truck back instead of finding it stripped.

As for the digger, it seems something always goes wrong ... you'd think they would know what they were doing ... ha ha, NOT!

Talk about lowlifes in the big city, my brother lived in Detroit and in a somewhat dubious neighborhood. I was always afraid to get there to visit him. When he told me that there were ocassions where they would find a body dumped in the ally behind his garage, we just stopped going there. It's a good thing the neighbors looked out for each other and they did a good job of if as rarely would someone try to break in. Neighborhood Watch volunteers would patrol that block nightly. One night they heard someone screaming and found a young man pinned up against a garage door(face first) with the owner's great dane holding him in place by standing on his hind legs and his front legs against the guy's neck and shoulder. Must have been quite a shocked to try to break in to the garage only to have that big animal come over the fence out of the dark and back you into the garage door. They arrested him and I bet he was very happy to have the dog called off of him. No pity here.
7 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to Clickity Click:

Thanks Chris! Things have been steadily improving in the neighborhood, but it doesn't stop the low life crooks from paying us a visit. Funny story about the Great Dane. Dad had a similar thing happen at his house when my brother was still living there. Mark's Aussie pinned a guy up against Dad's truck. He was trying to steal gas. Dad stepped out and called the dog off and the crook went sprinting down the street straight into a parked car. It made a big bang sound as the guy fell to the ground. He wasn't on the ground long and was up and running again. He was there long enough for another neighbor to call the sheriff and tell him he thought Dad shot the guy. :-)
7 years ago

Clickity Click said:

Seems you just have to be careful all the time. We don't have much crime but it does occur, thankfully our small town hasn't seen anything major, at least not while we have been here. We did have two reporters doing a live interview in a resort area about an hour or so from here die when a former employee of the News Station followed them and shot them. I didn't see it but those who watched the 6 am news that morning saw it as it happened. Watching that knowing that 2 people died in front of must have been awful. The person who was the subject of the interview was also shot but she survied. One just never knows. Fur hugs to the girls. :)
7 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) said:

I'm off on a work trip this week and the girls are off at the kennel for a few days. It was hard to sleep last night without them! And they still don't have the street lights fixed! People are crazy! It's no wonder I like dogs! :-)
7 years ago

autofantasia said:

So sorry to hear about the problems you've been experiencing at home not to mention your Uncle passing away! :(

Here's hoping things get sorted and back to normal asap at least on the home front! :)
7 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to autofantasia:

Thanks Paul! I hope things slow down soon! I'm on the road this week, but I hope to be home soon.
7 years ago

HaarFager said:

So, they probably stole your truck because the street lights were out and this assisted them so they couldn't be seen doing it? The lowlifes! My condolences on the loss of your uncle.
7 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to HaarFager:

Thanks Kenny! My Uncle was a clone of my Grandfather and it's sad to see that generation go. I think the street lights being out played a big part in it.
7 years ago