Man muss sich schützen. Man muss sich preisgeben.
Wer findet die richtige Balance?

Elias Canetti, 1942


Stormlizard said:

Sie müssen sich schützen, müssen wir preisen die, die beste balnce finden.

Ja Flatlux.
6 years ago ( translate )

fiatlux replied to Stormlizard:

Thank you, Stormlizard!

May be, a translation of those once in german written words into english could be:
You have to protect yourself. You have to expose yourself. Who will find the correct balance?

The german word 'preisgeben' is almost forgotten..and had different meanings.

Friendly regards, Henning
6 years ago

Stormlizard replied to :

Thank you Henning for explaining about th word.

Regards, John.
6 years ago