Adding pop-up images to notes on your ipernity photos

The other day while browsing photos on ipernity I noticed a photo that had notes which when I hovered over them with the mouse an image would pop up, like on this one. So I decided to try a few things and figured out how to do it. Here is the recipe.

On the image you would like to pop-up and add a link to go to more options and select View all sizes.

Now choose the size of the image you want to pop up, 800 is a good starting place.

Below the image you will see a link Post this photo in a blog or an external Web page?, click on it.

Two boxes will appear, the second will be titled Or to insert the photo use the following HTML/BBCode:.
Make sure the HTML button is checked, not the BBCode button.

Copy the contents of the box and paste it into a text editor.
It should look something like this:

<a href="www.ipernity.com/doc/chris.grossman/16447783"><img
title="Kodi (White Retriever) - Nikon N55 - AF Nikkor 28-80mm F/3.3-5.8 G - TMAX 100" alt="Kodi (White Retriever) - Nikon N55 - AF Nikkor 28-80mm F/3.3-5.8 G - TMAX 100" src="u1.ipernity.com/26/77/83/16447783.0a610bdf.800.jpg?r1" height="800" width="800" /></a>

If you use long picture titles like I do this will be way to long to paste into a note, so it must be shortened be keeping only the key portions (in BOLD) so the resulting shortened string will look like this.

<a href="www.ipernity.com/doc/chris.grossman/16447783"><img src="u1.ipernity.com/26/77/83/16447783.0a610bdf.800.jpg?r1"></a>

If you just want a pop-up photo, but do not want it linked remove the a tags so it looks like this:

<img src="u1.ipernity.com/26/77/83/16447783.0a610bdf.800.jpg?r1">

I hope you find this helpful!