Autumn Pictures 2022 - Voting Result
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Dear members and friends of ipernity,

For the first time in the history of ipernity, in the last two weeks there was the opportunity to vote on the pictures that will be on our homepage next season. As the supervisor for the homepage, I would now like to present the result to you.

52 ipernity members made use of the opportunity to cast their vote. This is more than enough to consider the result solid. It looks like this:

The 10 pictures above are the best according to the voters. They show a unique motif, tell a story and are emotionally touching.

The next 20 pictures do not meet all of these criteria. Nevertheless, they are very suitable for our homepage:

The last 10 pictures were considered less suitable for the homepage by the voters. But this does not mean that they are bad pictures.They are simply not as good as the upper ones:

These pictures will therefore not be included in the autumn collection. And even though this may be somewhat frustrating for the photographers of these 10 pictures, we must be grateful that our 52 volunteer voters ensure in advance that space is made for new promising pictures in this way.

That's why I'm calling on everyone who enjoys it to suggest new pictures for the autumn collection. To do so, I advise you to read and consider my two articles The ipernity Homepage - Part 1 and The ipernity Homepage - Part 2.

Please post your proposals in the group Ipernity Homepage - Picture Proposals.

Bernhard Westrup (bergfex)
Supervisor of the ipernity homepage

1 comment

Annemarie said:

Thanks Bernhard!
2 years ago ( translate )